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After talking for a while on the top of the amusement park ride, Violet had to go. She needed to talk to her father about something, but she didn't tell Peter what.

He had walked away elated that night. The girl he liked, liked him back. He had his first actual kiss with a girl.

Nothing happened over the weekend though, and soon Peter was right back in school talking with Ned.

"It looked so insane," Ned said as they walked through the halls. "That whole... like it was just crazy. He-He was just like... and you were like... and I just hit him with the... It was so... Oh my God!"

Despite everything that had happened, Ned seemed excited even though he'd be in detention for a bit. Peter smiled at his best friend. "I mean you saved me."

"It was awesome." Ned said. Peter was waiting for Ned to question him about Violet. He knew the both of them would have to explain sooner or later about why Violet was at Stark tower. Ned had put the pieces together himself, actually. He just didn't want to push it yet.

Peter then caught sight of Liz at the end of the hallway. She was with her mom, and crying when her best friend ran up to hug her. He quickly said goodbye to his friend before running over to see her.

"Liz." He said getting her attention. The best friend walked away and Liz caught Peter's eyes. She didn't want to see him right now, but she didn't have much of a choice. "Liz... look I'm so sorry."

"You say that a lot. What are you sorry for this time?" She asked. The boy's eyes were wide and he didn't know what to say. "The dance?"

He nodded and she sniffled. "That was a pretty crappy thing to do, but I know you like Violet so I guess I should have expected it."

"But I... I mean your dad." Peter stammered trying to find the right words. "I can't imagine what you're going through. If there's anything I can do to help..."

"I guess we're moving to Oregon." Liz crossed her arms. "Mom says it's nice there so... that's cool. Anyways, Dad doesn't want us here during the trail. So..."

Peter didn't know what to say to the girl. "Liz, I...I..."

She decided to make this easy for the both of them. "Bye Peter. Whatever's going on with you, I hope you figure it out."

Then Liz walked out of the door, away from Peter and her old life.

Later on in the day, Peter kept checking his phone looking for anything from Violet. She hadn't texted him since that night and he was getting worried.

He tried to get his mind off it at the decathlon meeting.

"Congratulations, decathlon national champions!" The teacher said while putting the trophy down on the table. Everyone clapped for one another, before he continued speaking. "I'll have to put this back in the trophy case soon.... But just for motivation right now at this practice. I'm ahead of the game, but we will need a new team captain for next year. So I am appointing... Michelle."

The girl looked up in surprise as everyone began to clap for her. "Thank you... My friends call my MJ."

"I thought you didn't have any friends besides Violet." Ned pointed out.

She bit her lip. "I didn't."

Peter felt his phone vibrate and rushed to check it. An unknown number told him to go to the bathroom. He looked at it in confusion, but decided he needed to check it out.

"I gotta go."

"Hey where are you going?" MJ asked as Peter was about to stand up. He looked at the girl in shock as she leaned forward. "What are you hiding, Peter?"

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