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The next day, while Violet had quickly gotten a new backpack almost identical to her last one (well she created it), Peter was stuck with carrying his books. Him, Violet, and Ned all walked to school while Ned asked Peter questions on how he turned into Spider-Man.

"You got bit by a spider?" Ned asked while the three walked down the busy street. "Can it bite me? Well, it probably would've hurt, right? Whatever. Even if it did hurt, I'd let it bite me... maybe. How much did it hurt?"

Peter had enough with the questions and quickly squashed the teen's hope of becoming like his best friend. "The spider's dead, Ned."

Ned frowned for a second before turning to Violet. "How did she find out?"

Peter's eyes widened, but thankfully, Violet had gotten good at lying. She considered it part of her super power. "It was when I first got here. I wanted to surprise Peter cause we were old friends, as you know. But when I ran into his room, I saw Spider-Man instead of him."

"You knew it was Peter?" Ned asked.

"Well unless Spiderman liked to break into apartments, then I figured who else could it be?" 

Peter smiled at the girl who was about an inch shorter than. It was pretty cool to have someone who had the most powerful imagination in the world as a partner in crime.

The three of them stopped though when they caught sight of the bodega and ATM. The sandwich shop looked new, but the sidewalk and shop next to it were destroyed. The bank was completely busted too. Police officers and officials strolled around and questioned what happened. They knew Spider-Man and Veritas had stopped the robbers, but they wondered if maybe Veritas had anything to do with the blast.

Violet didn't know she was under question for the explosion because it was commonly known she could lose control of her temper. Her father was watching the situation very carefully.

Ned looked at the scene in worry. "You were here?"

Peter said, "Yeah." To him, it was no big deal. It was a robbery and there was some damage. It's what the Avengers dealt with all the time.

"You could've died." Ned said while looking at the damage with a scared face.

Peter, not realizing the danger of it all, took the scene in again. It was dangerous, and he knew he wasn't invincible. Yeah, Spider-Man could heal fast, but he could be killed.

Violet's grip tightened on her bag as she also looked at the scene. She knew a part of this was her fault for not watching out for her friend. If he hadn't noticed the guy, then both of them would be dead. Her immortality didn't stop her from dying. Her healing wouldn't help her either.

Ned ruined the moment when he thought about another question to ask his crime fighting friend. "Do you lay eggs?"

Violet burst out laughing at this, immediately forgetting about those scary thoughts. Peter smiled at his friend, too, and chuckled. "What? No!"

Smiling, Violet nudged Peter's shoulder. "Let's go Spider-boy. We're gonna be late."

As the school day went on, Ned continued to badger Peter with random questions about his powers. It always made Violet start to laugh especially when one question made Peter exclaim loudly to shut up to Ned.

The three of them ended up in gym watching a video on a tv of Captain America. It was for the fitness exam or something. Violet wasn't paying it too much attention as she glared at the man who caused all her problems.

"Do you know him too?" Ned whispered over to Peter ignoring the girl sitting in the middle of the two who glared intently at the screen.

Peter nodded. "Yeah we met. I stole his shield."

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