🍂 ~That's not fair

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It was a banal day at The Tiny Adoption Center. The tinies were gathered in the meeting area, which was a huge two feet high glass container keeping any energetic fellow from escaping but also letting people look inside and even go inside to play with them. It had various things to keep the tiny humans entertained.

The tiny humans were happily chatting, the older ones reading books and the younger ones played silly games. The shop clerks greeted parents and helped the children find their perfect friend while keeping an eye out for any careless or violent kid.

Tinies were the most adopted companions; most were given for very young kids, so unfortunately, it wasn't unusual to hear of a young one killing them. So the Tiny Human Factory had decided that the shop clerks would be trained to recognize a good and a bad owner and were given the right to refuse to sell one to someone suspicious. The Percentage of Tinies death had since then gradually decreased thankfully.

In the middle of the meeting area could be seen a group gathered around something, or rather someone.

Ami was the most loved and known tiny guy of the center. He was a young adult, didn't look ugly but definitely not handsome. He looked sharp and intimidating. Despite the slightly scary looks he was a really sweet cinnamon roll. He always played with the young ones, helped in any way possible the owners, shop clerks and his friends. He was always here for everyone and was also very smart and compassionate; the epitome of a great friend. Despite this he was returned many times, but he always joked about it and sat on his chair, wrapped in a blanket and started telling his fantastic adventures with his owners in a heroic way, and everyone listened with utter interest no matter the age. Sometimes even eventual owners sat in the pen listening with stars shinning in their eyes. It was the case right now; a sweet little girl, Melanie, was watching from behind how Ami talked about his hectic folk tales.

"... And while doing his tea I put a powder that made him sleep! So I pushed the cup to my master but he forcefully snatched it from me as I face planted. A few moments afterward, his gigantic face came looming over me like a tsunami as he fell asleep. His face fell a mere inch before me. I crawled over the counter to the wall. And with great efforts, climbed, and climbed, till reaching the window, sweat dripping from every inch of my body which was begging for resting, for abandoning this stupid quest. But how would I give up? Freedom was right ahead! I crawled to th -". Curiosity got the best of her as she asked him:

"Are those all true?"

"Why, of course missy," He didn't look any irritated by the interruption, it was a fact that kids didn't know better. He just cut himself as she spoke up and gave her a bright smile the crowd didn't let her see, as he does with all the other children. "I'm Ami by the way. Pleasure to meet such a pretty looking lady!" He answered with his smile getting brighter than sun.

The girl blushed at the compliment shyly mumbling out a "Thanks" before listening to the story, sometimes cutting him off and asking him questions, not knowing that in here, you don't ever cut thr tale-teller, who frankly didn't mind. They got to know each other as hours passed, even though she still didn't see him behind the small group. Apparently, he had very bad owners who slaved him because they enjoyed seeing his weak helpless self struggle with making breakfast for three hours, not sleep at all because of the unfinished chores, shudder as he fed them and accidentally fell in wet warm mouths, be ignored when he screamed in agony because of being accidentally be sat on. By the way he told his stories, she didn't know if it was true; clearly, he couldn't have hit a man with a giant pan, or brought a cup full of water up stairs. But the way he spoke, it sounded like it was all true, just polished to sound more heroic and more suitable for a younger audience, that didn't really see the hidden messages between sentences and laughed lightheartedly. Melanie found herself both pitying and liking the optimistic tale-teller to the point of considering him as her friend. And wasn't it what tinies were for? Give people a friend? That was perfect! She had found her own new best friend! As she got up to tell her father something struck her. She hadn't even introduced herself! She turned around bashfully to the group surrounding Ami and politely asked them to move.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, Ami. My name is Melanie and it's nice to meet... you.." Her voice died as she he looked at the man for the first time now that there was no one around him; blue eyes, black hair, a hateful, distrustful gaze. He would look scary if he wasn't sitting on a tiny rocking chair bundled up in a fluffy blanket. She stopped gazing at him and gave him her pinky to shake it, he may have looked bad, but she got to see what he had inside of him before seeing his outside. Everyone around gave her slightly dirty, concerned or dumbfounded looks, maybe they were being protective of him? She drew back not understanding what she did wrong . Wordlessly, the girl scooped him up making the bystanders eyes widen? As soon as he was on her hand and didn't have his blanket hiding him it became clearer why she was given looks, why he was abused, why he was hated. He was a.. A freak. She pitied him even more now. Determined, she walked to her father.

"Papa? I found my new best friend!" she chirped happily. He looked at the guy laying on her hand who winked at him. Concern washed over her father's expression as he looked at him for long before he asked: "Are you sure?"

"Yes," She replied determinedly.


"I'm sorry."

"You're not." Ami grunted, not a hint of sadness in his voice. Although he was... Everything, mad, sorrowful, angry, disappointed, Crazy. He had been there barely few days. And here he was, in a cardboard carrier, being carried to a cold rainy ally by Melanie's older brother who he had barely ever talked to.

"Why are you doing this?" Ami asked almost too quietly.

"You'd get hurt at home, you're puny and helpless. That's what Melanie said; she said she didn't want to take care of a burden but that she pitied you too much to leave you." That was true, the adult tiny had heard the discussion that had occurred just this night in her room when they thought he was asleep, he also noticed her tone, like she was doing a request that he didn't quite make out, now he knew what she wanted. And when her brother came in her room, not waking her up and grabbing the man to put him in the carrier he sat on now, he saw it; he saw her eyes opened briefly, giving him a guilty look before shutting down as she faked sleeping again. She knew what was happening, she wanted it. He saw as the carrier was put down, getting wet instantaneously. He looked up one more time watching as the boy left without a single word. He let his face fall down, soon to be followed by hot tears streaming down his face, gross sobs slowly escaping him, and finally by his entire body, collapsing down motionlessly.

That was unfair.

That was unjust.

He hadn't asked for this.

He hadn't asked to be helpless.

Who would ask to be born paralysed from the waist down anyway?

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