🌹~ The littlest angel.

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He looked down at the tiny rabbit girl who sat on his desk, playing boredly with his phone, yet smiling sweetly as she always did. He could feel his face burning and a dreamy smile forming on his own face whenever he looked at the white-haired tiny.

He needed to continue his homework, to do something, anything but stare at her; but he couldn't. He gazed at the girl, as a sweet feeling formed in his chest, he hated loving, craving that poisonous feeling that spread like wild fire across his chest the longer he stared.

Bonny gave a look at his hand. And it was only then that he noticed he had dropped his pen loudly, and didn't pick it back up. Oh, no, no no no... She noticed him acting like it again. She looked up at him, and gave a curious look, with the slightest hint of worry. "Are you alright, Nathaniel?" She asked.

Her voice was practically dripping with sweetness, she ever so slightly tilted her head to the right, The boy didn't notice himself leaning closer to look at her. She brought a hand to the top of her head and scratched the back of her long ear, still looking confused. He hated this, he hated loving her, he hated how nice she was, how sweet she acted for him, he hated how she was too young to understand how he loved her, but deep down knew something was wrong with him.

"Bonny..." He breathed out, tantalized by the sight of her. Her short, almost white hair that surrounded her face; her tall, soft bunny ears that reflected easily all of her emotions; her small, round nose, the little freckles spreading on her face, her pale, flawless skin, the slight constant blush on her face, and her eyes. God, her deep, big grey eyes that held all the pureness and innocence the world had to offer in just two tiny eyes, it was surreal. He couldn't believe it, she was too perfect to exist, she wasn't real, he just knew it.

"Nate?" He wanted more of it, he wanted her voice to be all he could ever hear, anything other than her voice sounded so horrible in comparison it made his ears hurt. He needed to hear all she had to offer; her talking, her sneezing, her yawns, her singing, her coughs, the tap of her feet as she walked, her giggles, her tossing when she was sleeping, every sound she made felt like the angles singing.

He noticed his hands come dangerously close to the little girl, who continued giving this bright smile, still too young to see the danger.

No, he couldn't, he needed to to protect his Bonny, from anything. And he knew, he was the worst threat of all to his little angel. He had to protect her from himself, from his love.

His shaky hands stopped in front of her, he couldn't. He needed to touch her, to feel her, he needed to make sure she was here, she was real. But he couldn't, he knew she would disappear the second he would come in contact with her. Her bright smile turned softer, and she placed a hand on his fingertip. His hands immediately shot at her and he brought her to his cheek, in a sort of hug. The feeling of her warm, soft and endlessly tiny and frail fingers, it made him almost go crazy, his entire body shook when he felt her skin on his, when he had a proof that his Bonny was real, that he really was the only man on earth to hold a fallen star in his shaky hands.

His eyes turned to the little girl pressed on his burning cheek. He had his enormous fingers on her back, on her head, on her shoulders. But it wasn't enough, he desperately wanted more of her. He needed to have everything she had to offer. He wanted to feel all of her soft skin, he wanted her pine smell all over his clothes, all around his house, all over his skin, he wanted to taste the sweet honey in her voice, he wanted to taste all the sweetness of her body. He wanted to hear every single sound she could make, he wanted to see her fragile body move in every way, he wanted all of her, and all for himself.

This was the cruelest torture , he hated it so much. He could feel sobs escaping his lips and hot tears rolling down his cheeks. Bonny, still confused, patted his cheek and whispered sweet nothings to him, only making him cry harder. This really was the cruelest torture.

He loved his Bonny, he really loved her. He couldn't hurt her, he couldn't bare the thought of being the reason she could ever change, he couldn't bring himself to taint his littlest angel with his dirty hands. He had to protect her from the disgusting monster he was, at all cost.

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