🍁~ Dirty hands.

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Theo sat against the cold wall of his ally, his knees sinking deep in the layer of snow beneath him. He thankfully had a newly bought thick blanket to wrap around him, so the cold was bearable.

He had lived in this same ally for... Well, he couldn't tell, he felt like he was reliving the same day over and over until he forgot everything else that happened before he got trapped in his routine. He knew he used to live somewhere among tinies like him, he knew he used to have parents who came here with him for buisness, and he knew they weren't with him anymore, probably dead. He thought he vaguely remembered trying to back to his home city, but he couldn't because he needed his parents to travel, and this only giants territory didn't take any tinies in charge.

Theo had to stay on his own and find a way to survive. At first, some people gave him food and some even shelter for some times. But when it became famous that he was a whiny needy nine years old, people abandoned him completely. And he wasn't raised in a community of borrowers, so he couldn't steal anything or climb anywhere no matter how hard he trained.

He didn't remember exactly how, but he knew he found a job where giants liked to see him be clingy and whiny. He didn't know its name, but he certainly knew it was some disgusting dirty job that didn't fail to make him throw up his first time. Why did giants enjoy being touched in certain ways in certain places? How did they enjoy the disgusting sensations in the slightest? He didn't understand it, and he didn't understand when his first 'customer' gave him a lot of money. But he certainly understood that this was his best chance to survive.

So Theo stayed in this ally, waited for people to ask him to do a job, and he did it. Soon, his name became famous in the little town, especially among the bad people. Once he asked someone why they wanted him to do it when there were plenty of giants to do it better, his customer -a really nice and shy lady- told him that people were fascinated by tinies' helplessness, and that their submission gave a stronger sense of domination and satisfaction by exstantion. He didn't understand too well back then, but now after around a year of doing it, he started to understand a little; still, he would never call it good or alright, it disgusted him to no end.

The familiar scenario repeated itself just now; A large shadow fell over him, he looked up to find a girl - around sixteen maybe- looking at him with wide eyes, probably being her first time seeing a tiny as this was a an only-giant area, she asked him if he was the Theo guy, to which he responded with a nod and sinking further in his blanket, not by fear but more to accentuate the felling of 'submition' that other girl told him about.

The head of the umbrella she held flew at him and poked roughly at his stomach. When she lifted it up, he found himself holding onto it in attempt no to get scratched and hurt more than he already was. He was brought up to her stern face.

"So you're the little pest," She mumbled in a low voice.

"P-Please, y-you're hurting... Me m-miss," He whimpered, out of air from the pressure on the stomach. He pointed to the umbrella bellow him, and, after a second of thinking, the lady lowered him on a pile of boxes that reached her mid-chest.

Theo took a greedy gulp of air, and when he managed to catch his breath, he spoke up in his small voice:

"If you're here for a job miss, I'm sorry but 'm already busy. Althought if you propose a price higher th-"

"Actually," He stopped himself when the lady spoke up. "I'm not here for one of your disgusting 'jobs'," He could almost sense some repulsion in her voice. It hurt, it was harsh, but she was right. His job was repulsing, and that's why he hated it more than anyone could imagine.

"I'm here for a deal," Every word she had spoken so far was said stern and solemn, it made her look haughty.

"Before you came here, people always came to me for their 'fun'," She quoted with her hands. Fun? Was this a colleague? How dare she insult him when she's no better! He held back an annoyed grunt. "But ever since you came, no one is interested in me anymore," Her already cold face frowned even further and she gave him a look of hatred, to which he stepped back a little, fearing for his life. But she mentioned a certain deal, he waited.

"To cut short, I need money, and you certainly have a lot. But you'll never be able to go back to your region with it, you won't be able to buy anything like a home your... Size here; and since people know your only option is to pay to be hosted, they'll ask for exorbitating prices," He stayed quite, waiting for what was to come. "So, here's the deal: You continue to work, but for me, and in exchange I can be your... Well, host."

Now this made the boy silent. He didn't know what to think of this offer. She would barely just give him shelter and take all his hardly gained money for herself? That was absolutely unfair, and she would probably make him live hell. But... He absolutely needed a place to stay, at least for his first winter in giant territory. But still...

He heard the loud sound of a foot tapping on the cement floor and looked at the lady, who gave him an impatient look. "Look, you idiot; I don't have time to waste waiting for your decision. I'll be here tomorrow same hour. If you accept, your food and clothes and your basical necessities are on me. But if you refuse," She leaned closer, her face now only a few tiny inches away from him. "No one would miss if an unfortunate accident happened." She spoke in a low tone, her hot breath tickling his body uncomfortably. "Understood?" He couldn't keep himself from stepping back a little and slowly nodding. "Good."

With that, the lady left the ally, the poor boy alone trembling at the threat, and when a strong blist of air hit him, he found himself falling.. Falling... Falling, face first in the freezing snow. He clumsily scrambled back to his blanket and hid there for the rest of the day, thinking of the 'deal' or rather the death threat he had. No one ever spoke about killing him, and he knew if someone did they would be serious about it.

The day he was given passed slowlyier than the last five minutes before a school's bell rings. And in no time, he was met with same shadow of a tall, strict lady intimidating him. He held back a whimper as the memories of yesterday played back in his mind but he didn't keep himself from shrinking in his blanket until only his head was barely visible. She gave him a questioning look.

"So, do you agree?" She asked, but he couldn't get his response out, he decided he wouldn't do it, he couldn't live 24/7 with someone who he knew didn't value his life at all, no matter how much he needed to.

Her shadow came closer to him as she leaned towards him with her frown. "So?" It was more insistant this time, she looked really pissed right now. And he swore, he didn't mean to, not at all, but when he opened his mouth, the only thing he managed to get out, the only thing that he shouldn't have ever said, that made the girl smirk devilishly at him even though he swore even he barely heard himself. The word that would make his life go downward to no end.


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