🍃~ Tiny Nanny

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Milo panted as he ran across the floor of the large, endlessly large and dark kitchen he was in. As you might have easily guessed, Milo was a borrower, a race of four inches tall humans who lived in humans' walls, and in fear of ever being caught. They survived by stealing whatever useful things humans could leave. And this was exactly his goal tonight; the young boy had spotted a spool of extra hard and resistant yarn, untouched behind the fridge. No one had come to look for it for two days, and so it was enough for Milo to deem it as unwanted for the humans, while it would be gold in his hands.

He reached the small corridor-like space between the fridge and counter and stopped a second his pace, both to catch back his breath and to check his his way. The thick darkness of the night and the shadow of the counter made it impossible to see anything, but he should be fine, the kitchen was usually left spotless, and he'd heard that the director of this orphanage hated rodents, so no fear of mice.

Orphanage. He sighed at the thought, nostalgic. An orphanage was the perfect place for someone like him, seeing the other kids go on with their lifes happily cheered him. But still, he really missed his family sometimes...

Milo shook his head and pushed those thoughts away. Unless he wanted to get caught, this was no place to freeze up and be dramatic! He stuck his hand in his bag and brought out a tiny, old rubber ball, and while making his way in the darkness, he threw it and listened to the bouncy sound it made, in case it made contact with anything unusual and its sound changed. His way was perfectly clear, and finally, barely a human foot away from him, he could make out the shape of the spool. He smiled brightly and ran up to it-


Pain shot up in his leg, and he couldn't supress the scream of agony that rushed out of his mouth. What on earth-?!

He couldn't think clearly through the torturous pain. Calm down... Calm down... Take a deep breath- how was he supposed to take a deep breath when his mouth couldn't stop groaning!?

He pulled at his leg, which seemed stuck, but it did nothing besides make the agony worse. C'mon, c'mon! This was no time to get caught! The way was clear in the night, but the humans could make an exception and come to the kitchen in the middle of the night to fetch something from the fridge...!

Out of nowhere, a bright light blinded him and forced him to close his eyes. This was bad, so, so, so bad; it really was no time for anything besides his leg. He forced his eyes open and could swear he was looking at the lights of Heaven... Until he saw that behind the source of light was peeking the drowsy looking face of a three years old boy.

This was bad this was bad this was bad-! How could have this normal situation turned into a nightmare in the blink of an eye? Milo didn't try to push the tears forming at the corner of his eyes. Why did he have to go out borrowing now? Why did the-... the cursed women here have to put something dangerous here!? And why did especially this one human decide to wake up on this one night and decide to come to the kitchen right now?!

Milo started sobbing. Why wasn't luck ever on his side? Why didn't have parents to love him like the other kids did? Why was he left to die on his own now, at the hands of a stupid giant kid?

A giagantic hand came in his view, and the borrower boy's sobs only harshened as he wailed and thrashed and pleaded, but it completely fell on deaf ears as the surface he laid on was lifted up. And as the giant stood up and walked upstairs to the room, Milo was left dangling off of whatever his leg got stuck to on the careless boy's side. His head hurt, both from.the blood loss and his overcrowded mind. But he didn't faint, he couldn't; not in this critical situation.

As Milo heard the sound of a door creeping open, he froze and forced himself to be quite. Now what was there for him? Was this giant going to keep him as his little plaything and kill him in no time? Would he even wake up the other kids so that the borrower would be passed from hand to hand, until he became the orphanage's pet?

His mind was shut off as the giant boy spoke. "Nana... Nana?" His voice was hesitant, and why was he telling him that? Milo looked up, but the boy's gaze was fixed on top of the nightstand he stood at. He kept repeating it in a small, hushed tone. "Nana, nana- nanny..."

Until a drowsy voice finally answered. "What is..." She -Milo assumed- yawned, "... it, Carl?"

It was quite, and Milo couldn't place it... The giant was speaking to someone in the bed, but the voice almost came from the desk? Maybe the wall behind? What was going on?

"I found someone in t'kitchen." With that, Milo was brought up to the desk. He shut his eyes, trying desperately to ignore the feeling of two giant's piercing gazes above him.

"Oh my god..." The feminin voice breathed out, right besides him. The borrower gasped at the closness, and his eyes snapped wide open. But there was no giant other than the little boy, instead, he was met with a lady, slightly old but strict-looking despite her messy night hair and her nightgown, and... She was a borrower too!

A flow of ideas and memories flowed in his mind. Now so many odd things just made so much sense! The humans lived with a borrower, in peace and harmony, and the lady didn't seem in a bad shape, or in a bad mental state. The giants were nice to her? It was unbelievable, but Milo had to believe it.

His mind was blurry, and with the wave of confusion in his mind, he just couldn't register anything around him anymore; the borrower lady speaking to him, to the giant, who left the room and came back. Milo's eyes were glued to them, but he really just couldn't.

That is, until his eyes snapped to his leg, where he felt a harsh pain, making him let out a sharp cry. The pale moonlight of this room was enough for the boy to see, much to his horror, that his leg was stuck to a rat trap. Well, had been stuck, before the giant had easily proceeded to open the trap, freeing him, and before the lady proceeded to take care of large, burning gash it left.

It hurt like all sorts of hell, from being cleaned to being stitched, bandaged... And all under the unwanted gaze of the curious giant, which didn't help ease the borrower's mind. However, the calming and soothing voice of lady who spoke to him all the way through at least distracted him.

"I'm so , so sorry, little one. Those traps were meant for the rats around, they could really be bad for a borrower like me. I didn't think... Oh god..." she tried to make out an appology, but the worry and guilt made it difficult to speak and think clearly at the moment.


"Does you leg hurt too badly? That nasty thing certainly didn't go easy on you," She muttered thoughtfully.

"..." He stayed silent for a long time; and what was there to say to that anyway?

"... You should have come out sooner, you know? This could have been prevented; things could have been easier for you."

"I have no buisness upstairs, I didn't know there was another borrower like me." Milo finally mustered the courage to answere, making the borrower lady smile ever so slightly through her worry.

"Ah, I see," she paused for a long moment. "Do you have anyone to go back to?" She carefully asked.

"No one really, ma'me."

"Parents?" She whispered, almost afraid of the answer she knew by heart now.

"...Until today, I thought they became my guardian angels, but now I know they really left me for good." Milo answered honestly, but in a low voice, feeling his cheeks burning as shame creept up inside of him.

An unpleasent silence followed after that, until finally, the lady spoke again, voice soothing but with a pang of sadness:

"Well then, little one; welcome to the Heinrich orphanage. You are welcome to stay here with the others."

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