🌻~Raising a giant

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Don't mind me just dropping the prologue of a story you can find in my profile wink wonk ;p
Dark clouds amassed and swirled around the gravel-grey sky, obscuring the comforting light of the stars above. They released their bottled-up wrath in torrential rain; it lashed out on anything unfortunate to have no shelter against the unforgiving weather.

Amongst the bolts of lightning tearing across the sky, the thunders booming and raging with fury, and the sheets of rain hitting harshly windows, plants and pavement alike, could be heard a small sound. There, if you listened closely and carefully in the old ally behind the abandoned house, you would hear it; the sound of small cries and unspoken pleas for help where no one should even be.

Who could it be? And why would they be out there in the middle of the night and facing this cruel weather? No one knew, and no one should have even been around the place to even hear the small sobs and cries that night. But by some miracle, someone did happen to be close by and heard the curious sound. Only it was a small miracle, an inhumanly small one.

A young man, standing at only a few inches of height, was hiding away in the abandoned building that night. He was woken by the sound of crying outside. At first, he stayed hidden inside, waiting for the bypasser to leave, but it seemed clearer and clearer with each minute passing and the cries getting louder and harder that this person was resolved to stay here.

With apprehensive steps, the small man-made his way outside and was surprised to find not a single person to be seen anywhere and the cries having stopped...

Only to start again a few seconds later. It didn't take long to spot the soaking wooden crate which the sound was coming from. But as soon as the man spotted it, a feeling of dread rose deep in the pit of his stomach, and his once tentative steps turned to an anxious sprint towards the box.

There, tucked loosely in some paper-thin blanket was a baby, crying, panting, and skin ghostly pale from the freezing weather and wet sheets. But God bless if it had only been a tiny baby left here. No, it just had to be one of those damned giant human babies.

The man's chest tightened with fear and pity, but he tried to remain calm and look for the person who left their child here. Left and right, up and down, in the building and outside it and anywhere he could go or think of, he didn't find a single person or even a trace of them or footsteps in the mud. Nothing.

Growing more and more worried and frustrated, he was almost ready to leave the safety of the ally to go look for the parents. Almost, but a small sound behind him made his legs freeze on the spot and his heart skip several beats.

It was the small, weak sound of coughing and wheezing. Risking a peek in, the man's heart sunk to his stomach at the sight of the baby's skin turning to a sickening blue and purplish tint, and its body once agitated now almost unmoving aside from small coughs that shook its body.

Better not lose track of priorities. For now, he needed to try to get this kid dried and warmed up, then the parents would come back and get him back all nice and healthy.

The first chapter is already up, so if you enjoyed this make sure to check it out on my profile! cheerio 👋

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