The Unsettling Quidditch Match

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Draco felt his stomach tighten into a nervous knot. Today was Judgment Day. Time to find out if all those private lessons were going to pay off. The very thought of failing was making him nauseous.

"Eat something," Pansy chided.

He looked down at his breakfast and felt considerably sicker. "No thanks," he mumbled.

The other members of the Slytherin team had an air of confidence about them. He would have believed it if not for the tell-tale signs of nervousness. This was Judgment Day for them all. They really needed a win today.

Montague stood with a confident grin on his face, all eyes locked on him. "Gryffindor doesn't stand a chance this year. We have better brooms, we trained harder than them, and while we've been gaining talented players each year, they've been losing them. We've got this one in the bag," he announced boldly. The tension in the air dissipated at his words, smiles cracking all around.

"He's right," Millicent chimed in. "Those losers don't stand a chance against us. Let's go crush us some weak little Gryffindorks."

Draco gave Millicent an appreciative smile, suddenly feeling silly for being so nervous, and shoved a piece of toast into his mouth. 

It had come as a shock for everyone when Montague had allowed Millicent, a girl, on the team. This was a first for the Slytherins, but there was no denying how talented she was in her role as Keeper. Nothing could get passed her. She was an absolute beast on the field.

"Let's go kick some arse," Blaise cried rousingly, eliciting cheers from the Sytherin team.

Professor Flitwick cleared his throat. "Language," he warned with a frown.

They didn't spare him a second glance as they boisterously exited the Great Hall. Draco downed a glass of orange juice and followed the team out, his nerves settled and his mood greatly improved.

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Seamus Finnigan's voice echoed across the field, penetrating the holding area in which the Gryffindor team waited to make their appearance.

"Today is going to be a very exciting grudge match between two strong rivals. I wonder who will win? I've been sneaking a peak at the team practices and I can tell you that this season is going to be amazing. Harry Potter has returned to the Gryffindor team. And once again, Slytherin house takes to the field with the best equipment money can buy."

"Wait a minute..." he paused as Professor McGonagall whispered something in his ear, there was a moment of muffled conversation and the sound shifting of paper reverberated across the field before Seamus cleared his throat rather loudly. "Alright, let's get this show on the road," he screamed. 

That was the cue to enter the field, the crowd erupting into chest-rumbling cheers as they walked toward the center of the field where Madam Hooch was waiting. 

"First ones out the gate, the Gryffindor team. No new faces this year, but they have rearranged their lineup a bit. Potter is of course reprising his role as Seeker." 

Harry was acutely aware of hundreds of eyes locked on him, but it only caused a momentary feeling of nervousness. Over the years, he'd grown accustomed to the spotlight being on him during Quidditch matches.

"Ginny Weasley, a new fan-favorite, has been moved to the Chaser position with Spinnet and their lovely captain, Katie Bell. We'll miss you next year, Katie." Professor McGonagall elbowed him in the ribs when he started making smootchy sounds in Katie's direction. A blush was forming on her face at all the attention being directed her way.

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