Christmas or Something Like It

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Christmas was here at last. It was odd for Harry not to be awoken by the sound of Ron's excited voice announcing that there were presents to be opened. He rolled over with a groan, stopping when he remembered that someone else was in the bed.

Draco was lying on his back, eyes open wide, staring desolately at the ceiling. After three straight days of Draco complaining about how uncomfortable the chair was, Harry had finally convinced him that the bed was more than big enough for the two of them. Sleeping in a proper bed had made a substantial improvement in Draco's mood and the two had lapsed into something that resembled a begrudging, occasionally explosive, friendship. That's not to say that Draco didn't still have his moments.

With a sigh, Harry slowly got out of bed, deciding to ignore Draco's brooding for the moment. Halfway across the room, he was met head-on by a hyperactive ball of feathers. Pig righted himself, proudly puffing out his chest as he presented his deliveries. A sad looking Errol followed shortly thereafter, careening through the window that had been left open. He hit the floor, flipped tail over head a few times, then crashed rather loudly into the wall, packages still attached.

Harry couldn't help it; he laughed until there were tears in his eyes. Pig was dancing about impatiently, occasionally nipping at his fingers to attract Harry's attention.

"All right, all right," he cried, untying the packages from both birds.

"Here you go," he said, offering each of them a treat. Pig settled down contentedly.

"Now remember not to let Ron and the others know I'm here." They hooted sagely in response. After a long enough rest, the owls returned home, the presents he had purchased for his friends in tow since he had left Hedwig at Hogwarts.

Harry turned to Draco with an amused grin.

"I'm always surprised that they are able to find me. How do they even do that?" he asked.

Draco didn't so much as glance in his direction. Harry worried this was going to be another day where Draco didn't even bother leaving the bed, which as it was Christmas, was a very unsettling thought. Guessing at what might cheer him up, he ran to his trunk and pulled out his present.

"I bought you this," he announced with a slight flush of embarrassment as he held out the box for Draco to take. "Happy Christmas."

Draco's brow crinkled in confusion as he stared at it before shifting into a seated position to get a better view of Harry's face.

"Why?" he asked, voice tight and controlled.

"I was shopping for Hermione when it caught my eye. It made me think of you," Harry replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

Draco stiffened, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Harry fiddled with the hem of his pajamas nervously, trying to find a less creepy way to explain himself. "I mean – that's not how I meant it. I got Hermione a butterfly pendant as a thank you for saving my life and – you saved my life too. It only seemed fair," he rambled.

Draco nodded in acknowledgement, accepting his rather weak explanation before tentatively opening the box. He stared at it for a long time, expression unreadable.

"Sorry," Draco finally responded. "I don't have anything for you."

Harry smiled ruefully, "No worries. It's not like you knew you were going to be spending Christmas with me. You had no reason to buy me anything."

Harry studied Draco for a while, trying to decipher the boy's feelings.

"So, do you like it?" he began hesitantly. "If you don't, I can get you something..."

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