Quidditch Champion

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Harry found himself lying on a cold bench in the courtyard, eyes closed as fat snowflakes floated gently down upon him. He was rather fond of this time of the year - everything felt so clean and endless. He allowed himself to grow comfortably numb for a while, mind empty, savoring the crisp smell of winter.

The sound of snow crunching underfoot caught his attention – whoever it was they were getting closer. Darkness passed over his face, noticeable even with his eyes closed. He opened them, eyes still adjusting as he struggled to identify the shadowed face looming over his.

"Do you have a death wish or something?" a familiar voice sneered.

Harry let out a weary sigh, closing his eyes once again. "What do you want, Malfoy?"

"Just checking that you were still alive," Draco grumbled, voice tinged with concern. "You've been sitting out here for quite a while."

Harry sat up to get a better look at Draco. A prominent dark purple bruise around his left eye looked rather striking against his pale skin. He held himself stiffly, wincing with every slight movement. It had been easier when they hated each other. Now, Harry felt conflicted. 

Harry shifted over to make room for the boy, patting the snow-free section of the bench in invitation. Draco took up his offer, sitting next to him in silence, snowflakes catching on his long lashes.

"Why didn't you tell me about the prophecy?" Draco asked, turning to look at him, a wounded expression on his face.

Harry stiffened, his first reaction being to remind Draco that they were not friends, but the words froze in his throat the minute his eyes met Draco's.

"Oh," he mumbled weakly instead, dropping his gaze to his gloved hands.

Draco growled in frustration beside him, grabbing Harry's arm roughly to force him to look at him.

"Well? Answer the question," he demanded heatedly.

Harry turned away in an embarrassment. "I didn't want you to start treating me differently," he mumbled, unable to look in Draco's direction.

Draco grabbed him by the chin, forcing their eyes to meet.

"That's stupid," he growled, silver-grey eyes boring into him. "I had a right to know."

"Why?" Harry challenged, staring the boy down defiantly in response to Draco's sudden possessiveness.

Draco's hand dropped away with a sharp intake of breath, a look of betrayal passing briefly across his features. Harry instantly regretted what he'd said, but there was no fixing it. Draco stood, taking a few steps away from him.

"I just – I really thought," he choked on his words, shoulders gently shaking. "I honestly thought that maybe we might have been friends."

Harry studied the boy's back, a sick feeling settling in his stomach. "So did I," he murmured just loud enough to be heard.

Draco started to chuckle weakly, turning to face Harry with misty eyes.

"You really are hopeless," he exclaimed, shoving Harry off the bench and into the snow before strolling away. "Don't forget to eat lunch," he called back before disappearing inside.

Harry picked himself up off the ground with a shake of his head. Draco seemed as moody and unpredictable as ever. He couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face.

<<<<<   >>>>>

Draco jumped in alarm as something cold soaked down the back of his robes, spinning around to catch sight of the perpetrator.

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