Unexpected Company

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Snow had fallen sometime during the night, blanketing the grounds in pristine whiteness. Harry was certain it wouldn't last long - the weather had been too warm recently. He turned away from the window, smiling at the sight of Draco's tousled blond hair and sleeping face, memories from the night before dancing in his mind. He woke his sleeping lover with a gentle kiss.

"Mmmm. Morning already?" Draco question, his eyes fluttering open with a yawn.

"Yeah," Harry replied with a dreamy smile. "And look - it snowed last night."

Draco sat up and glanced out the window, his silvery eyes reflecting the purity of the snow, making them look almost white as he shivered slightly.

"Cold," he mumbled, pulling Harry back into bed and snuggling into him, pressing his lithe and naked body against him in a suggestive manner.

Harry almost lost all sense of restraint, warmth pooling in his groin, depriving his brain of the necessary blood needed for rational thought.

"We can't," Harry choked out at last. It took everything he had in him to say those words.

"Why?" Draco questioned, pulling away from Harry with a pout.

Harry's eyes were drawn to his full pink lips, his adorably cross expression. He had to fight against the urge to pounce. It was almost impossible to turn him away.

"I promised Hermione that I would talk to Ron," Harry reminded with a shake of his head to clear his thoughts.

Draco snorted in disdain. "I'm getting stood up for a ginger," he grumbled.

"Never," Harry whispered, playfully nipping at his ear. "We'll have fun after."

He fought against it, but even still a sly smile tugged at Draco's lips. "I suppose that's acceptable."

"Now that that's been sorted, I need to catch Ron at breakfast before he leaves. He usually wakes up early when he's upset about something," Harry announced, his body still demanding that he stay and have his fun now.

He reluctantly climbed out of bed and made for his pile of clothes still lying on the floor. He'd have to stop at his dorm and change before heading down. When he was dressed, he grabbed his bag off the couch and slung it over his shoulder.

"Wait," Draco called before he made it to the window. "I was wondering if I could borrow the map and invisibility cloak? I know I said spying was beneath me, but Hermione did have a point. I want to try and figure out what our two favorite people are up to before it bites us in the ass."

"That sounds like an excellent plan," Harry replied, a smile lighting up his face with excitement. He pulled the items in question out of his bag and handed them to Draco, regretting that he wouldn't get to join in on the little adventure.

"Good luck," Harry called before leaping out of the window with a dazzling smile.

Ron was just heading out when Harry arrived at the dorms.

"Oi," Harry called out, attracting the red-head's attention. "Let's meet up after breakfast; there's a lot we need to talk about."

Ron looked like he wanted to turn him down.

"I don't think you're crazy," Harry supplied, hoping to coax the boy into meeting with him. "Draco is intentionally messing with your head."

"I know I'm not crazy," Ron replied, a sour expression on his face.

"Then you'll meet with me?" Harry inquired hopefully.

"I'll think about it," he grumbled, continuing on his way to the Great Hall.

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