"We Fucked Up"

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Ok yall Im warning you this is major shit dig and this was supposed to come on at ch. 20 but this is the only thing Ik what to do with this story so....IM SORRY IF THIS TRIGGERS YALLL!!!

Jungkook was walking home, ear phones blasting music in his ears. He was just staring at the sceney until he got a call. 'Why's Jin Hyung calling me?' He asked himself but picked it up never the less. "Yeah hyung?" He spoke. "Your sister's in the hospital. " Jin said. Jungkook didn't know what came over him to hang up the phone and run to the hospital as fast as he can. He asked for her room number and ran inside.

Jungkook's heart broke while his throat turned dry at the sight of his sister. "What happened..." His voice came out a whisper, but the rest had clearly heard him. "Why are you acting like you give a damn about her?? You never did!" Yoongi growled at the younger. "But that's because I didn't think I gave a damn about her!!" Jungkook yelled. Yoongi just scoffed and kept on holding Y/n's hand. When Jungkook scanned his sister, he noticed a scrape on her cheek. 'She got punched?' He thought as he tilted his head. "Hey hyung did someone beat up Y/n? There's a scratch on her cheek??" He asked. "No Jungkook, she's....She's in here because she tried to kill herself.." Namjoon looked away. Jungkook's eyes widened. 'Did I really treat her that bad...' Jungkook sobbed as he covered his eyes. All the hyungs exept Yoongi (and Jimin bc he hasn't gotten there yet) comforted him.

A few minutes passed and Jimin had finally got there. He swung open the door and the way Y/n looked so helpless hurt him. "Oh god..." Jimin sobbed and went over to her, cupping her cheek. "I'm sorry...." He sobbed. "I am so fuckin sorry..." He bent over her and hugged her. "Guys...We need to go get dinner..Jungkook, Jimin, stay here and watch her, she should be near gettin up." Namjoon said. And one by one all of them left. Yoongi growled a "You better not do anything to her" then left. Jimin and Junkook nodded and they both sat down on her bedside.

"We fucked up...didn't we, hyung?" Jungkook said "Yeah...We did..." Jimin nodded then sobbed. "Why are you crying?? It's my sister here, not yours." Jungkook was broken. He knew why she did it. It was because of him and Jimin...

"I can't help it though! She's in here because of us and-and--" Jimin was cut off "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP! SHE'S WAKING UP DICKHEADS!!" Jin yelled. Jungkook held Y/n's hand tight as the rest watched Y/n open her eyes. She smiled when she saw Jin and Yoongi but as soon as her eyes landed on Jungkook's, her soft, sweet eyes, turned into sharp, fierce ones. "Let go of me..." She growled. "Y/n...." Jungkook muttered sweetly. "LET THE FUCK GO OF ME, YOU FUCKIN ABUSER!" Jungkook's eyes widened as he let go of her hand, shocked by her words. Yoongi glared at Jungkook, "What did you do?" "I-I don't-" Jungkook was cut off. "YOU DONT REMEBER YOU HIT ME LAST NIGHT? Jungkook you...you punched me in the stomach and then you right hooked me..." Y/n's eyes turned sad and watery.

Just then, Jungkook regained his memory from the night before....


Jungkook was swaying side to side in the kitchen while Y/n was getting a water bottle from the fridge. "I'm going to bed so don't disturb me or I'll fuckin kill you bitch." Jungkook looked at her, but Y/n just nodded. She was use to his words by now. Ever since she was born. "Ok I won't disturb you." She answered, knowing that was what he needed right now. Y/n and Jungkook both headed upstairs to their rooms without a sound made to each other. That was how it was until Jungkook had tripped on nothing but Y/n caught him. "Hey, you o-" She was cut off by Jungkook's punch in her stomach. "I don't need your fuckin help, bitch. And I never will. Just fuckin die already so I don't have to deal with such an ugly as fuck person." Then Jungkook's right hook came across her right cheek. Y/n just held her cheek and breathed heavily, Jungkook almost never hit her. There was one explanation....

He was drunk...

Jungkook walked away and slammed his door shut. Even though he had slammed his door, he could still clearly hear her sobs. Jungkook put his arm over his eyes as he laid down. Soon tears were falling. "I'm sorry Y/n....Please forgive me..." He cried silently. He knew that she would never hear him but it was worth it to pay for his sins.

*End of Flashback*

"Y/n I'm sorry, I was drunk." Jungkook cried. "But don't you express your true feelings when you're drunk? Jungkook you always showed hate towards me when I didn't even do anything to you! And you," She turned to glare at Jimin. "Why are you even here when you turned my living hell worse!?!?" Tears were falling in Y/n's eyes by now. "I'm sorry...I just--" Jimin was cut off. "YOU JUST WHAT!?!? I ALMOST DIE SO THAT MAKES YOU SORRY?? THE THINGS THAT YOU'RE SAYING IS FUCKIN BULLSHIT! GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I MAKE YOU!!" Y/n had truly snapped. Jungkook bit his lip to keep a sob from coming out while Jimin took a shaky breath. Jimin and Jungkook left....

Outside of Y/n's room, Jungkook fell slowly down with his back against the wall, crying as he did so. "Jungkook-ah...." Jimin looked softly at him.

"We fucked up......"

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