Music Assignment

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Ok so if you guys go back into profiles I changed it into Yoongi teaches rap and Y/n and maknae line go to music class for singing Ok? So yoongi isn't a bad guy here...please don't kill me though..... anyway here guys

Jimin sighed as he walked into music class. He looked up to find Y/n sitting in her seat on the left corner of the front row, just like always. 'She looks so pretty today...' Jimin thought as a smile formed on his lips but it faded quickly. 'Oh yeah...She hates me...' Jimin sighed then went to his seat.
But his eyes widened when he saw Taehyung sit next to her and then they started talking, giggling, laughing, and doing all sorts of stuff that best friends do. 'What the hell...' Jimin thought but shook off the thought. He knew he messed up, he knew doesn't have a right to be with her. But...that still doesn't mean he didn't love her...
Soon, the teacher arrived and started teaching something about high notes and stuff like that. No body really paid attention since they all knew already. But it did catch everyone's ear when they heard the teacher say that there's gonna be a music assignment.
"OK class, this assignment will have you and your partner make a song and perform it in class. Oh, and don't worry about partners, I already picked them for you." Mr.Lo smirked while the class groaned. "Awwwwwww thanks you guys for being so excited. Anyway it's

Jungkook and MoMo
Taehyung and Hailey
Seulgi and Woozi
Jeonghan and S.Coups
And last but not least
Jimin and Y/N."

Y/N's eyes widened, 'No, No. Not him. No!' She put her head down and sighed. Woozi looked over to her worried, he already knew her situation. He sighed and walked up to her, knowing it was time to work with partners now.
"Hey Y/N." He smiled at his best friend only to find her look up at him and look back down again. Woozi sighed, "You want me to swi-" he was cut off. "No oppa, that's ok. Go work with your crush...." Y/n pointed over to Seulgi. Woozi just sighed and went over to her.
Jimin went up to Y/N, "So-" before Jimin could say anything else Y/n just left.

'Fuck it, imma just do this shit by myself'
Y/N thought then left the school.

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