'I Love Her, Hyung...'

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  *Guys,in all honesty i could just hear Jimin saying "I Love Her, Hyung..." Through that GIF like...DAYUM! Anyway, on to the chapter.*

 The next few days, Jimin wasn't acting like himself. At lunch, he wouldn't even bother to eat and sit with the boys. He just sat on the edge of  the roof, rethinking Y/N's words. 'Jimin, I hate fuck boys like you.' that stabbed him right in his heart.  He hated how he treated her, regretted it even. In fact, he was even wishing he could go back in time and have another chance. But he knew that would never happen, he did too much. Hitting Y/N, was the worst feeling in the world. He could only imagine what Jungkook was feeling, and that just made him feel worse. Suddenly, his phone dinged. Jimin sighed, looking down and reading the text. It was Namjoon, and he told him to meet the male in the classroom for English. 'Oh, why'd it have to be Y/N's favorite subject?'  He thought to himself then stood up, walking to where the leader of Bäñğţåń told him to meet. 

"Yeah, hyung. What is it?" Jimin said lazily as he leaned on the door frame of the English classroom, cracking his neck as he did so. "Can I...ask you a question, Jimin?" Namjoon looked at the raven black haired teen with soft and glossy eyes. The sight alone made Jimin nervous. Why? Cause Namjoon never looks at him like that. "Y-Yeah, sure." Jimin mentally slapped himself for stuttering. He wanted to sound tough, like he always did, but it seems like his body did not want to cooperate with him. "Come, sit with me." Namjoon pointed to the seat next to him. Jimin just nodded and sat next to him, nervousness still eating his insides. Then Namjoon asked the question, it was a question that made Jimin's eyes go wide. 'Do you love her, Jimin?' that really stuck in his head. Does he love her? Or does he just miss a toy? 

"I..." Jimin started, not really sure if he should actually say his answer, say the truth. "It's ok, Jimin. You could tell me." Namjoon reassured. Jimin didn't know why, but he just broke down into tears and sobs. "I love her, Hyung..." He cried. Namjoon's eyes softened, "Then why'd you treat her like that?" He knew Jimin. He knew he cherished his love ones, so him hitting Y/N didn't really make sense to Namjoon. "I-I don't know, I just...I didn't know how to handle myself I guess..." This made Namjoon's heart ache. In all honesty, this whole situation did. If maybe Jimin and Jungkook treated her right, it wouldn't had turned out like this. "Jimin...." The leader said with sad eyes. "I...I don't know what to do with myself anymore.." The raven haired boy sobbed. Namjoon sighed, taking the male in his embrace. 

'Y/N, You should know this now...Jimin? He really does love you...' 

Ok, so this chapter is a treat for my new friend @ParkClaren95 keep going girl! If yall really love me, yall would follow her. She's so great, kind, and just so fuckin cute. I'm really glad I met her. (Even though we just met like yesterday) but she's still fun to talk to. Welp, I love you guys and I hope you all are having a fun ass day. Like shit, yall could even be bouncing like a lil five year old if ya want to. Just do what makes you happy and that's that. Also, think shit out before you regret it. And just be happy. Love yall. BYEEEEEEE~<3 <3    

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