Chapter 1---- CoCo's P.O.V.

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Oh my god, she is so annoying!

"Seriously, that sweater you have on is mine! Dad got it for me!"

"Bay I never said it wasn't yours, but can I not wear it just this once?"

"No you can't. Now give it to me, I want to wear it today."

"Fine, here."

I took the sweater off and threw it at Bay. She grabbed it and stormed off down the hall to her room.

I sat down on my unmade bed and thought of what I could wear. I sat there thinking for a few minutes when I thought of something. If Bay wanted all of her clothes out of my closet, then I'm getting my clothes out of her closet. I ran down the hall and threw open Bay's door and imediatly went to her closet. I opened her closet doors and grabbed all of my clothes off the floor. After I picked them up, I turned around, smirked, and headed towards my room.

"Have your clothes, but my room is still the biggest!" Bay slamed her door.

She was right, her room was the biggest. I only had the small room because I had the bigger bed, closet, and built on bathroom, which I don't see how that is my fault.

I shut my door and threw the clothes on my bed. After this, I walked into my bathroom, attached to my room. I walked in and saw all of Bay's junk of the counter. I picked it up, walked to the middle of the hallway, and dropped her stuff. After I was done I went back into my room and into my bathroom. I opened the cabinet and pulled out my straightner, curling iron, and make-up. I quickly took a shower and started my daily routine. My daily routine was just, take a shower, fix hair, brush teeth, do make-up. After I was done with all that, I came out of my bathroom and went to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day.

After about 20 minutes I finally decided on some cheetah shorts, a black long sleeved shirt, and black flip-flops. We live in Florida, so we wear shorts and stuff like that all the time.

After I got dressed, I headed downstairs to get some breakfast. I walked out of my room the same time Bay did.

"Eww...Cheetah Shorts."

"Eww... A sweater." I said, smirking. I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs.

For breakfast I decided on an apple, Bay had eggs, bacon, and biscuits.

After I finished my apple, I headed upstairs to get my stuff. Once I got there, I grabbed my cute purse, phone, and awesome bag. I left my room and headed towards the family room where my mom and dad were.

"Bye guys, I'm leaving."

"Wait for your sister."

"No, she can walk around 2 corners all by herself."

"I'm right here. Bye guys love you."

"Bye Sugar, (Bay's nickname from our parents), See you after school Sis, (my nickname from our parents.)"

I walked out the door with Bay on my tail and headed to school.

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