Chapter 5---- CoCo's P.O.V.

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Bay was waiting for me when I got out of dance.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I figured you could give me a ride home. I heard Gia's coming over and we could all ride together."

"Bay, that's not going to happen. Gia and I have that French class meeting thing about the trip we are taking. Remeber? I took the class last year and we couldn't go on the trip, so we are going this year. I have that meeting until 4. You will have to wal home by yourself today."

"Fine whatever. I will see you and Gia after school." Bay rolled her eyes and walked off.

Still so annoying.

"Are you CoCo?"

"Um..yeah I am, but who are y-" I turned around and saw the cutest boy in the world. Plus he was asking about me, what does that mean?

"I'm Nathan. I'm new in town and I've been looking for you all day. The principle sent me to find you because he said you are nice and would show me around the school."

"Oh yeah, sure. I'll help you tomorrow, but right now I have a French meeting I'm supposed to be at. Meet me at locker 365 tomorrow morning and I will help you. Is that alright?"

"That's perfect. Thank you."

"Your welcome. See ya later."

Nathan waved as soon as I turned around. Can't believe this guy was looking for me!

I rounded the corner and walked into the French class room.

"Alright, now everybody is here. Gia you and CoCo had an idea?"

"We did?" Gia asked confused.

"Yes, come on Gia. I remember." I said winking at Gia to follow along.

"Okay, Gia and I think we should go to Paris and we should stay for a whole week. It can be at the end of the school year, but I think we should leave this Saturday and stay until next Saturday. That's a full week to explore and learn."

"That's a very interesting point, Ms. Cooper. That's a good idea. Today is Monday and we leave on Saturday. Everyone go home and have your parents sign this permission slip. If everyone has it in tomorrow, everyone can go.

The whole class cheered and started to leave.

"Ms. Cooper and Ms. Walsh please come here."

"Yes, do you need something?"

"That was a very good idea. Now please leave, I have a date."

Gia and I walked out feeling very disgusted. We walked down the hall and headed towards our lockers. We got out our homework and grabbed our bags. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and checked the time, 4:01. Gia was trying to get her keys out of her bag. She finally managed to get them out and we headed towards her car.

I hopped in the passenger seat and waited for Gia to start the engine. She finally did after she texted someone for like 10 minutes.

"Gia who are you texting?"

"Just this guy. This really cute guy and he gave me his number! We have a date tomorrow! He's taking me to a movie. I'm gonna see if he will take me to The Fault In Our Stars."

"Gia that is great. What is his name?"


"Mhm.. Cute. I also talked to a very cute guy after school today! His name is Nathan, he's a new student here and he's tall. He has these golden eyes and they are beautiful. I have to show him around the school tomorrow and I hope I get his number because he acted like he might have liked me also."


"I know right. I'm so excited. Now let's get home."

Gia backed out of the school's driveway and headed towards my house.

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