Chapter 7------- CoCo's P.O.V.

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I woke up to Gia's hand over my mouth and foot in my rib cage. I threw her hand back on top of her. I pushed myself out of bed and headed towards my bathroom. I started my daily routine and took a shower. After I finished the rest of my routine, I walked back into my room. I walked over to my bed and woke up Gia.

"Come on! School starts in an hour. You can borrow some of my clothes."

"Okay thanks."

Gia walked into my bathroom, took a shower, fixed her hair, and put on some make-up. When she came out, we picked out some clothes.

I picked out some black leggings, a yellow crop-top, and my yellow coverse.

Gia picked out black leggings, a pink long sleeve shirt, and my combat boots.

After we got dressed, we headed downstairs to get some breakfast.

When we walked into the kitchen, Bay was sitting there eating some bacon.

"You know you should stop eating bacon. It is made out of pig and fat." I said grabbing a banana.

"Maybe you should stop starving yourself and stop eating only fruits for breakfast because you don't want to lose your dancer body."

I stared at Bay and Gia started laughing.

"Like she really starves herself. God she eats more than anyone I know."

Bay glared at Gia.

"Okay well, do you need a ride to school Bay or not? I can drive you."

"No I'm fine. I can walk around to corners by myself." Bay said, quoting what I said yesterday morning.

"Okay whatever."

Gia and I finished eating our breakfast and headed back up to my room. I opened my door to find Bay going through my closet.

"Dude, what are you doing in my room?!"

"You have one of my shirts."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do, I am missing the 'Daddy's Cowgirl' shirt dad got for me."

"Trust me, I wouldn't have that shirt in my closet." Gia quietly left the room, I'm assuming to leave because we were fighting.

"Yes you do."

She continued to throw clothes out of my closet. A few minutes later, Gia walked back in the room, holding something folded in her hands.

"You mean this shirt?" Gia asked, with a smirk formed on her face.

"Yes, I mean that shirt. Where did you find it? Was it in CoCo's bathroom?"

"No actually it was in a laundry basket in YOUR room."

"Oh, haha, my mistake."

"Uh yeah." I said, rolling my eyes.

Bay walked over and snatched the shirt out of Gia's hands before she walked out of my room.

"Come on, let's get to school."

We grabbed our things and headed downstairs to tell my parents bye.

After we said our good-byes, we walked outside to Gia's car. I hopped in to the passenger seat while Gia was starting the car.

After a few minutes, we were pulling into the school's parking lot.

'We're here!" Gia screamed in my ear out of nowhere.

"Gia, shutup. I kinda need my hearing, I do have 8 classes everyday. I sit in the back for all of them. So I need to be able to hear out of my left ear!"

"Okay, gosh."

I stepped out of the car and could feel the cool morning air hit my face. I opened the backseat door and grabbed my bags and books. As I was closing the door, Nathan was walking towards Gia and I.

"How are you today, CoCo?"

"I'm good. Ready for your first day?"

"Uh.. yeah, you ready to show me around?"

"Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be."

"Ha Ha."

I walked over to Gia with Nathan right on my tail. Gia was getting her science project out of the trunk.

"Hey, do you want me to carry that?" Nathan asked, looking at Gia.

"Yeah, if you don't mind. Thanks."

"No problem."

Nathan reached in the trunk and grabbed Gia's science project. After we closed the trunk, we all started walking to the side entrance. Before we walked through the doors, I saw Bay with Ann Marie on the other side of the parking lot.

I wonder what her problem is?


I walk into my room, exhausted. Today has been the longest day of my life. I look down at the floor where all my school books are laying, I have a lot of homework tonight. I stand up, pick up my books off the floor, and walk over to my desk to start on my homeowork.

After about an hour and a half of doing homework, I am on my last pages of homework. I bend down to pick up my Math book, when a little note falls out.


Thanks for showing me around today, I really appreciate all your help.

Thanks for everything,

Nathan---- Text me some time.

Nathan left his nuimber for me at the bottom of the page. Now that I think about it, Nathan is not that shy.

I smiled a little and pulled out my phone.

Thanks for the little note, how did you get into my locker?



Whenever you sat your books down in AG, I stuck the note in your Math book.



Oh, way to invade my personal space.






It's all good. I have to get back to my math homework.



Talk to you later



I smiled at the thought that he wanted to talk to me. After a few minutes of smiling, I started to finish my Math homework.

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