Emperor x short! Reader

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Requested by VyleSquid !
Includes sexual content. Since I'm not experienced with writing lemons and this is actually my first one, this'll probably be straight to the point. I'll add as much build up as I can though!

You were bouncing on top of the king's member, going up and down on him rhythmically while you let out loud, sweet moans for all of Inkopolis to hear. The sounds of skin slapping together combined with the noises you were both making was too much for you to handle, falling into a state where you couldn't control your lust and want anymore as Emperor held onto your sides to keep you steady. How did you get into this situation, you may ask..? Welp, you're here you find out. You and your thirstiness.

" Hey, stop being so gentle with me!"

You and Emperor were in yet another private battle together, him refusing to splat you every single time you two hosted one, much to your dismay. " I'm afraid of hurting you. You're just so.." He knew you were a stubborn and sassy bobtail squid, so if someone called you tiny that really rubbed you the wrong way. " Don't say it, Emmy. I'm not scared to splat you, y'know."

" You're like a little baby squid. What if you're fragile?" You crossed your arms, a stern expression came across your face at the words ' little baby squid'. " Aye, I'm only 4'6! So what if you're huge? I can handle you!" Dirty thoughts crept into the back of your head when you finished that sentence, obviously wording it wrong. " Not a whole lot of people can handle me.. Especially when I get rough, and I can't go rough on you."

" What if I want you to go rough?" Unaware that what you were starting to say sounded a bit suggestive a light blush dusted across Emperor's features. " ..No. I can't harm you."
He always treated you like his own little brother; basically like a baby. He babied you non-stop. It was like he didn't want to risk losing you.. but in a turf war of all places? That being said, you guys do the do in the middle of one in the story. Shit happens in my stories.

You being highly aware that someone like him wouldn't dare hurt you, you kind of liked his gentle side. It was comforting and made you feel safe whenever you needed it."Ugh, fine.. Ya big teddy bear." He thought about your words: 'I can handle you!' And 'what if I want you to go rough?'. He didn't know what kind of situation you meant, sexual or nonsexual. Despite the fact that you both were in the middle of a turf war, he pulled you into a soft kiss. You grew incredibly flustered with his lips pressed against yours in such a soft way, thinking about how you got the chance to do what many girls in Inkopolis wanted to do.. kiss the king and become his.

"My queen, if you want me to be rough.. Please tell me if I'm harming you at all." You knew what he meant by that, but you weren't surprised by what he meant now that you've caught onto what you said and how suggestive it sounded. "It's not like I don't like how you go gentle on me during the battles, but.. You go rough on everyone else.."

"Oh, you're talking about battles still? I thought you were talking about, uh.. never mind." You and him were still in the same position as before; your face only being inches away from his, your bodies so close you two were basically touching. "..Why don't you show me how rough you can be? In a different way?" You smirked up at him while looking up at him with a sneaky look in your eyes. "Hmm.. I haven't done this in awhile, but I'll make sure my little queen is satisfied after we're done.. hopefully I don't hurt the princess too much.~" Emperor purred into your ear in his smooth, flirtatious voice that turned you on the second you heard it, a simple through of him fucking your brains out enough for you to just melt.

He really didn't know what you were really made of before, however, because you soon became the dominant one. You didn't hesitate to pull the tall Inkling into a deep kiss, one that was the complete opposite of his gentle ones. Now you were the one in control.

"See? Height doesn't matter.. not even for a king.~" with that you took off most of your gear, confirming what you meant even more as the king tried to hide his blushing face. "Don't you think you're thinking a bit too far ahead of yourself, love? I'll just have to see how well you can handle a king.. for your first time and all.~" It strange for him to be the bottom because he was so used to dominating basically everyone but you did all the work this time around, Emperor giving in eventually to your erotic acts. "This'll teach you to not go easy on me anymore.. you'll see what I can really do. Short or not!" You got on top of him, sliding his pants and boxers down so his erection popped out for you in all of its glory. "Huh, no wonder why so many girls wanted to do this to you before.."

Now that you were bare from your lack of gear on, you slid his large length into you quickly, wanting to get the pain over with. You regretted your decision as you let out a loud cry of pain, the feeling of your walls being stretched causing you to tear up at the sharp feeling. Emperor kissed you soothingly as he placed his hands on your sides, not moving you yet so you could get used to his huge cock.

Words weren't exchanged through the blissful sounds of skin slapping together and adorable moans escaping your soft lips, Emmy staring into your lustful eyes with a shit eating smirk plastered on his face while he watched you bouncing on his meat stick, your cries of pure ecstasy ringing throughout the stage over the sound of the latest tunes being played through large speakers that were set up all around the stage, your master's cock soon making its way towards your most sensitive nerve that laid within the depths of your tight woomy/veemo, your hot breaths making the air around you all sticky against your already sweaty skin, an unfamiliar feeling rising within your core.

You were nearing your climax for the first time.

A tight knot that formed inside your stomach became looser and looser every time Emperor's big 'shooter' thrusted in and out of you and the only noise that erupted from you was loud, breathless panting. Emperor's larger palms groped your rear roughly and slammed you down on his member before his hot seed spilled inside your tight walls, filling you to the brim with his warm and sticky juices that made you feel all cozy on the inside until you felt an immense wave of pleasure washing over your tiny frame, your juices soon mixing with his. He definitely claimed your splatzone.

After cleaning both of you up, Emperor noticed that the round ended the second he reached his climax, fixing up his pants along with your gear so it was like you two just got done battling together instead of playing your very own special kind of ranked battle the whole time, acting like his normal self again as if nothing happened while you walked out together, your sides having a small sharp pain in them.

"Before we go back to our homes, how about I take you to mine around.. 9:00? I want to have my own fun with you, love..~"

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