Joshaya Meets Today

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A/N: So I've never written a one shot before, so please be kind, but also, feel free to constructively criticize. Feedback is always welcome! Enjoy 😍😁

Maya's POV

"How is this day still not over?" I ask Riley as we walk into science class. She chuckles at me as we take our seats across from each other. Her with Farkle and me with Huckleberry.

"This is our last class of the day before winter break Peaches, be prepared for it to drag on." She tells me, pulling out her notebook.

"Can you believe this is our last winter break in high school?" Lucas asks us all as he reaches into my bag, pulling out my notebook and handing it to me. I smile at him and take the book.

"You take such good care of me Huckleberry." I tell him as he grabs his own textbook. He smiles back at me. He looks like he wants to say something, but our science teacher starts talking and I automatically start to drift off.

"There she goes..." I hear Farkle say while my head begins to fall to the table. My head never reaches the table though, because as usual, Lucas' hand is there to catch me mid fall.

"I got you." He whispers in my ear before leaving a light kiss on my cheek. I feel my lips pull up into a smile as I settle in for a long nap.


"Hey losers!" I call out as we all pile into the Matthews apartment after school, and my nap, are over. That may have been the longest day of my life. I sigh as I flip down on the couch and kick my feet up.

"Welcome home, Maya." I hear Auggie say from across the room. I smile and wave as everyone else joins me in the livingroom.

Lucas sits next to me, placing his hand on my thigh. Riley sits on the other side of me and leans her head on my shoulder. Smackle joins Farkle in the chair and Zay finds a spot at the end of the table, on the floor, next to Lucas.

"Can I lean on you? I'm sleepy." I ask Lucas. He smiles and nods. I shift slightly so I can cuddle into him comfortably and rest my head on his shoulder, his arm now around my waist and he leans his head down on mine after I settle in.

Before I drift into a peaceful sleep, I feel Riley move from beside me and Lucas pull me closer to him. I think I hear Mr. Matthews say something but I'm not sure.


"!!" I hear being yelled as I jump from my peaceful nap. I rub my eyes and look up meeting Josh's eyes. Shit!

"Maya..." he says, shifting his eyes from me to Lucas, who is awake now, but still holding onto me.

"Josh..." I greet him, smiling brightly, hoping that will be enough for him to ignore my current position. I think for a minute that it is, but then his face falls as he makes his way over to Mr.Matthews.

I watch for what feels like forever for Josh to look at me. He doesn't. He just sits and talks to his brother and nephew. Finally Topanga calls everyone for dinner. We all make our way to the table, taking our seats and filling our plates.

The silence is almost deafening as we all eat. Thankfully, Riley can't take it anymore and speaks up.

"Okay, so since this our first night of our last winter vacation as high schoolers, we need to do something fun! I'm open to suggestions." Riley states, smiling at me. I mouth a silent thank you to her and she nods.

"Museum!" Smackle shouts making us all chuckle. Farkle leans over and whispers something in her ear and she smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Paintball?" Zay questions, gaining a high five from Josh.

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