Prankster (small mature)

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You were quite the prankster. You loved playing pranks on people!
And since you recently got a job working on the Kira case, this was a great opportunity for you to pull a few pranks at headquarters.

You really wanted to pull pranks on L though.

Misa was a good friend of yours, so when you walked into headquarters this morning, you told her that you wanted to have a little fun around headquarters and pull a few pranks and asked if she wanted to co-operate. She agreed and you both gave an small evil laugh.

"Come on" you say, dragging Misa out the main room and up the stairs.

"So who should we prank first?" You ask.

"You should prank L" Misa said.

"I can't do that" you say. "He'll see through it. You know how smart he is."

"True, but it's just for a bit of fun. If he sees through your prank, so what?"

"Well I guess your right" you say.

"So what are you gonna do?" Misa asked.

"I have a brilliant idea!" You whisper your plan to Misa and she laughed.

"Brilliant idea (Y/N)!"

You walked into the kitchen on your floor and grabbed some chilli sauce from your cupboard. Misa just kept laughing.

The two of you made your way back downstairs to find Light and Matsuda working hard. L wasn't there. He must've went to see Watari or something.

This was perfect!

You noticed L had left a plate of doughnuts on the table.

'Jam doughnuts. Just as I predicted!' You smirk to yourself.

You walk over to the table and cut a hole in one of the doughnuts, taking out as much jam as you could with a spoon.

'Time for the main event!' You say, smiling like an evil character from an anime.

You pull out the chilli sauce and pour some into the doughnut, trying to get as much in as you could. You hear Misa laughing in the background.

"Shut up!" You whisper to her. Surprisingly, no one seemed to notice what you were doing.

'Alright! Done!' You say, patching the hole up with the piece of doughnut you cut off. You then skip off upstairs with Misa and hide all your supplies so no one knew it was you.
The two of you then sat down. Misa sat next to Light, snuggling into his shoulder, whilst you sat in front of a computer and got to work.

You then hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

'It's gotta be L!' You thought.

You look over to see it is L. He sits down at his seat next to you and turns on his computer.

"Good morning" you say, trying to start a conversation with him.

He just nodded and reached for his doughnuts. You did your best to try and not laugh as L took the doughnut you replaced with chilli sauce and brought it to his mouth, taking a bite out of it.

It was fine for a second before L spat out the doughnut and shot out of his seat, choking. Everyone turning to look at him.

"What on earth was that?!" He shouts.

"Are you okay?" You ask, putting on your best serious face.

"There's something in my doughnut!"

"Yeah, jam."

"It wasn't jam. It was spicy" L started flapping his hands at his mouth like a teenage girl when they cry and ruin their mascara.

(Death Note) - L X Reader Oneshots #3Where stories live. Discover now