Huge Problems

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(A/N): I don't mean to offend anyone with anxiety and depression in this oneshot btw! Also, this oneshot contains self harm, so if you're sensitive to that or anything, feel free to skip this.
(Don't self harm!)

You had quite bad anxiety, which had caused you to get pretty depressed over the year. You hadn't told anyone since you hadn't really been at work that much either. You told L you would work at home. But you found it difficult not to worry about every scenario and over think every possible situation, even if there was no point thinking about it in the first place!
This caused you to not get a lot of sleep either and you hadn't eaten anything in a while. Honestly, you're whole world was practically falling apart.

You were sitting in the middle of your bed, staring at the wall. You wanted to do something, but at the same time you felt like doing nothing the whole day.
You slowly turn to your phone and pick it up, deciding to text your friend.

It was then you realise that your friend hadn't messaged you in 2 days.

"They're probably just really busy or on holiday or something", you say to yourself.

'But what if they aren't? What if they're just ignoring me? What if they find me annoying by constantly texting them all the time? What if they've found new friends and left me behind like all those other fake friends of mine?!'

The thoughts swam through your head constantly.

You put your hands to your head to try and get the thoughts out. You loved your friend and you were sure they loved you back! You didn't want to think these things, but you just couldn't help it.

You start screaming. You just wanted all this pain and suffering to go away!
Tears start streaming down your face as you curl up into a ball on your bed.

"I can't live like this anymore! What do I do?! What do I do?!"

-Meanwhile at the taskforce-

"Hey Ryuzaki?" Misa asked.

"What is it?"

"Do you ever wonder why (Y/N) decided to work at home? She's never visited the taskforce since and it's been going on for a year! Don't you think something's wrong with her?"

"(Y/N) hasn't said anything to me. Perhaps she's just finding it difficult to communicate or deal with the work here. Perhaps she can concentrate better on her own. I don't know", L says, sipping on his coffee.

"You haven't tried to call her or anything to check if she's okay?" Misa shot her attention straight to L.

"Well yes, but she hasn't answered any of them. It's only when she decides to call me".

"WHAT?! SO YOU HAVEN'T EVEN WENT OVER TO HER HOUSE TO CHECK IF SHE'S OKAY?!" Misa slammed her hands on the table in front of her.

"(Y/N) is a grown woman. She can take care of herself. And if anything is happening, I'm sure she'll call me".

Misa gave L a disgusted look before sighing.

"Well, part of me agrees with what you're saying, but the other part of me just has a bad feeling that something awful has happened to (Y/N). It's been going on for ages and I'm just worried about her", she said.

"I understand. I won't lie, I have been feeling a little uneasy about (Y/N) too", L says. "But I don't want to invade (Y/N)'s privacy. And going over there will look weird and will probably scare her".

Misa stood up and grabbed L's arm.

"We're going to see (Y/N), whether you like it or not!"

-Meanwhile with (Y/N)-

(Death Note) - L X Reader Oneshots #3Where stories live. Discover now