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Who's gonna be the first one to fall asleep at night?


The date: August 25, 2018.

One hundred days since Minhyuk had left, Hyungwon has yet to let go.

Hyungwon moves on slowly with life while his best friend, Jooheon, helps comfort him.

It's one of those days where Jooheon is at Hyungwon's house to comfort him while he goes through another one of his 'episodes'.

"Jooheon..." Hyungwon mutters while he's sprawled out on his queen-sized bed.

Jooheon hummed for the boy to keep going on with his sentence.

"I think I'm gonna move to Seoul," Hyungwon says flipping over onto his stomach to face Jooheon, who was sitting in the chair next to his bed.

"You can't." Jooheon states not looking up from his phone.

"Why?" Hyungwon questions.

"I can't tell you why, just please stay here," Jooheon says with a visible frown appearing.

"Tell me why, and I'll think about," Hyungwon says furrowing his eyebrows trying to get answers from the brunette.

"I really can not tell you, Hyungwon," The brunette frowns looking away from the black haired boy "I promised I wouldn't tell you,"

Hyungwon looks at Jooheon with a hint of curiosity sparked in his dark brown eyes. "Promise whom exactly? Minhyuk?" The black haired boy asks.

Jooheon sighs in defeat "yes...he moved to Seoul and told me not to tell you, promise me you won't go,"

Hyungwon smiles "I think I want to go up there still, just to go,"

Jooheon rolls his eyes, "you're not going to see him." He tells Hyungwon.

"Try to stop me," Hyungwon says jumping off his bed, slipping on shoes and grabbing his car keys. "You coming?" He asks Jooheon before he opens the car door.

"I guess I can't exactly stop you, but are you sure about this?"

Hyungwon sits in his car "I'm more than sure, I need to ask him somethings,"

After driving for what seemed like hours the two reached Seoul, Jooheon seemed busy with his social media the whole time. Hyungwon would occasionally glance over and see him indirecting people but he never knew who.

The two walked sluggishly up to the hotel room they had rented out for the night. While they unpacked Hyungwon asked if Jooheon would like to go grab something to eat from a local restaurant.

Twenty minutes later they had made their way down to the restaurant, while walking Hyungwon had seem a familiar red haired boy in a café with another, slightly short and hamster looking boy. "Let's go here!" Jooheon says pointing towards the café.

Hyungwon nods in agreement "alright," when they walked in Hyungwon tried his best to hide from who he assumed was Minhyuk.

"What are you hiding from?" Jooheon laughs and then his face goes straight as he looks at his phone that had shown a notification:

Why is he here?

Jooheon looked around to see the familiar boy staring at him. "I need to run to the restroom real fast," he tells Hyungwon as he makes his way in that direction.

Jooheon stood behind the wall that blocked the view from the eating area as the red haired boy walks up. "Why didn't you answer me?!" He whisper yells.

"Nice to see you too Minhyuk." Jooheon says sarcastically. "He came to talk to you, but I see you've already moved on," He says pointing to the boy with soft brown hair.

"If you dare tell Hyungwon-"

"Why? So he can know how you really are? You do know the pain he's been through right?"

"Should that trigger feelings or something in me or?" Minhyuk asks while Jooheon rolls his eyes.

"He still loves you, I hope you know that." Jooheon says "and I think he knows about that guy already, he's talking to him,"

"Why would he talk to Kihyun? They don't know each other." Minhyuk says while he looks at his table to see the two talking.

Hyungwon however wanted to know this new person he encountered, maybe they're just friends he had told himself while they arrived. He finally decided to talk to the boy.

"Hello," Hyungwon says walking up, slightly startling the boy.

"H-hi," he responds quietly.

"I'm Hyungwon,"


The names weren't familiar to either of them. "It's nice to meet you, but, how do you know Minhyuk?" Hyungwon asks pointing towards the red haired boy.

"Oh, Hyuk? He's my boyfriend," Kihyun says with a small smile on his face while Hyungwon's heart plummeted "what about you? How do you know him?"

"He's my ex," Hyungwon mumbles drawn back into the sorrow, Minhyuk moved on so fast, did all those years mean nothing?

"Oh, he's never mentioned an ex," Kihyun says "well it's nice to know,"

"I have to go," Hyungwon mutters before storming out of the building.

Jooheon didn't notice that Hyungwon left he was busy interrogating Minhyuk "Just, he wants the truth, I'll tell him to come here around 7, promise me you'll tell him." Jooheon says.

"Fine. I guess I will, but I have to work tonight. This is the only break I get," Minhyuk says "I'm going back to Kihyun, now bye."

a/n; posting this also because the prologue is short and I'm sure you wanted to actually start the story

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