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Who's gonna be the first one to set it all on fire?


Hyungwon sat in the dance studio, he was ending his second year of school and was already ready to give up this dream of his. He missed his home, he missed Jooheon and most importantly he missed Minhyuk, he hasn't even spoken to Minhyuk for the period of time he's been away.

Hyungwon hadn't noticed that he was crying until his dance director walked in asking if he was okay. Hyungwon nodded while wiping his tears "missing home?" The director asked in perfect Korean, Hyungwon nods "Hyunwoo, can you keep a secret?"

Hyunwoo nods, he's used to keeping secrets for people, he acts like a teddy bear most times letting people share their problems.

"I- I don't think I'll be returning for the third year, I don't have enough money and I'm really homesick," Hyungwon says while salty tears rolled down his face "I miss my friends and the boy I've practically been in loved with for the past eight years,"

"Your boyfriend?" Hyunwoo asks questioningly and Hyungwon shakes his head no.

"No, he's my ex but we're trying to mend our relationship back together," Hyungwon slightly smiles and the mention of Minhyuk.

"I understand, I had to leave mine when I came over here too," Hyunwoo says.

"What was his name?" Hyungwon asks.

"Kihyun," Hyunwoo says smiling a little "he's training to debut, he's such an angel,"

Hyungwon was shocked, maybe it wasn't the right one, there's more Kihyun's in Korea right?

"Just curious what is his family name?"

"Yoo, why?" Hyunwoo asks.

"I don't think he's the angel you think he is," Hyungwon mutters.

"Elaborate? Please,"

"When did you come here?" Hyungwon asks.

"About three years ago? Why? Do you know him?" Hyunwoo asks "he hasn't spoken to me in a while,"

"I assumed, he most definitely cheated on you," Hyungwon mumbles but Hyunwoo picked it up.

"H-he what?"

"and with my ex."

Hyunwoo stares at Hyungwon in disbelief, "I'm sure, Kihyun never told him about you,"

"A-are they together still?" Hyunwoo stutters.

"No, Kihyun broke up with him, around two months after them being together," Hyungwon says "that was during my ex and I's break,"

Hyunwoo nods taking in the information "I think I have a phone call to make," He says then gets up to leave.

Two years had passed since Hyungwon left Korea arrived to New York, he knew he had two more but one problem occurred, he didn't have enough money to pay for another semester so he dropped out and flew back to Incheon without anyone knowing.

Nineteen hours of a long flight, he had no clue what to do once he got back so he just walked around Incheon for a few hours then decided to call Jooheon to pick him up, "Hey friend," Hyungwon says once Jooheon answers.

"Hyungwon!! How is America?" Jooheon says.

"I don't miss it, the smell of shrimp and bulgogi from the local restaurants are calling my name though,"

"There's korean food there?!"

"No idiot, I'm in Incheon, come get me." Hyungwon says "and don't tell Minhyuk, I want to surprise him," Hyungwon tells him before hanging up.

a/n; alright so i believe there's three more chapters left after this,,,so yeah :]

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