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Who's gonna be the first one to compromise?


"You've been accepted to study at Juilliard school of fine arts," Hyungwon read the letter out loud for the tenth time since it had arrived to his house (in Gwangju) , or since he had got there. "I've been accepted?"

This was like a dream come true, ever since he started dancing as a kid he wanted to study at the school. Of course, his life seemed to come together now that Minhyuk is back around, as a friend now of course, but how was he supposed to tell both Minhyuk and Jooheon he had to leave?

He put his head in his pillow and let out a scream of frustration, why now? The moment his life came together in the past twenty four years, he has to go abroad, to study.

"Jooheon, I don't know how to tell him," he said as Jooheon walked in the door with a bag of snacks. "Tell who what?"

Hyungwon held up the letter from the famous school, "I have to go abroad for two or four years, how will I tell Minhyuk?"

"Easy, just tell him, I'll drive you too Seoul the day before you have to leave and you can tell him then," Jooheon says eating a chip.

"But what if I have to leave tomorrow?" Hyungwon asks and Jooheon looks at him with wide eyes. "We just got back to Gwangju Hyungwon!" Jooheon says.

"I know, but the letter says I have to leave on September third, it's the second, so I suppose we have to go back right?"

Jooheon sighs in defeat, Hyungwon was right, if the letter said a certain date it had to be that day, "get in the car," Jooheon says wiping his fingers on his jeans and then grabbing his keys.

"Thank you, really Joo."

The two arrived back to Seoul and Hyungwon went straight for the café Minhyuk worked at. To his luck Minhyuk was behind the counter cleaning.

"Minhyuk!" Hyungwon says while opening the door to the building, Minhyuk turns around and stares in disbelief.

"I though you went back home?" Minhyuk asks "or did you not make it back to Gwangju? Did something happen?"

"No, I made it back but, do you remember that school I've always wanted to attend?" Hyungwon asks holding the letter behind him.

Minhyuk nods "Juilliard, right?"

Hyungwon hums while bringing the letter out "I have to leave tomorrow,"

"Why are you telling me?" Minhyuk asks while setting the cup he was cleaning down.

"Because you should know, so I don't disappear,"

"Can't I go with? Minhyuk asks "I don't want you too leave, not the way I left,"

"No you need to stay here, by the time I come back you'll probably be debuted by then don't worry, and don't forget about me either," Hyungwon says turning around to walk out.

"Wonnie," Minhyuk says grabbing his wrist and then his hand "stay with me tonight, please?"

Hyungwon looked at him in shock "Why?"

"I want to be the last person to see you leave Korea," Minhyuk says.

Hyungwon agreed and ended up at Minhyuk's house, "just make yourself at home I guess," Minhyuk says once they entered.

"Minhyuk, can I ask you something?" Hyungwon asks while Minhyuk sits on the couch.

"Yeah, sure,"

"D-Do you still have feelings for me?" Hyungwon stutters.

"I've already told you old feelings came bac-"

"Yeah but old feelings can vanish in a blink of an eye, I want to know that you still care, it's so difficult to stand in front of you, it really is,"

Minhyuk stands up and walks to Hyungwon grabbing his hands in the process. Hyungwon continues to ramble as Minhyuk looks at him "Hyungwon, I really do care for you, I love you, really,"

Hyungwon looks at Minhyuk to see tears glazing his eyes "then prove it,"

Minhyuk looked at Hyungwon not hearing what he had said, they haven't been this close in such a long time he could hear both their hearts beating unevenly, he swore he could count the small freckles on Hyungwon's face you couldn't see from afar, he could count the stars in his eyes and his eyelashes. Minhyuk didn't realize how much he missed being this close to the black haired boy.

"Hyuk," Hyungwon mumbles.

Minhyuk snapped out of his trance. "Sorry,"

"Don't be, I love being close to you, I can see all the small features you can't see from afar," Hyungwon says with a smile.

"If I could I would kiss you, but I don't think I should since we're technically exes," Minhyuk says looking away.

"Who says that means anything?" Hyungwon says lifting Minhyuk's chin then planting a soft kiss on his lips. How he missed the feeling so much, how their lips matched as if made for each, and the feeling of butterflies doubling in his stomach.

Hyungwon pulls away first to see Minhyuk shocked. "I'm sor-"

"Don't be I wanted that more than anything," Minhyuk says bringing him into a tight hug.

The next morning they wake up, that's when it hit Minhyuk "you have to leave today..." he says looking down.

Hyungwon looked at him "I'll be back. Now I got a flight to catch let's go,"

"Did you bring a spare change of clothes?" Minhyuk asks through the bathroom door. "I'm sure you left your suitcase with Jooheon,"

"Yeah, he's bringing it to the airport I can just wear what I'm am now," Hyungwon says.

Minhyuk shook his head then walked to his dresser to pull out a sweatshirt and jeans. "Open the door, I'm giving you a pair of clothes," the door opens and Minhyuk hands him the clothes.

A few seconds later Hyungwon comes out in Minhyuk's clothes, "you need to get ready too,"

"I'm fine, I'm just going to work after I drop you off, I'll change later," Minhyuk shrugs.

The two hear a honk signaling that Jooheon had come to Minhyuk's house. "Let's go," they both walk out of the house and got into the car.

It takes about an hour and the three get out of the car and walk Hyungwon into the airport. Minhyuk watched Hyungwon walk off, he didn't want this, he wanted him to stay with him in Korea, but why? They weren't even together.

Hyungwon looked back at the two boys who were his only friends left and waved to them "I'll miss you two," he mumbles to himself before disappearing to the security area.

a/n; hello, i forgot to update this last night (i was busy) so i'm updating it this morning :3

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