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Who's gonna be the last one to drive away?


After Jooheon retrieved Hyungwon from the airport, after his most definite surprise, Hyungwon demanded him to go to a specific coffee shop.

Much changed in the area in the last two years he was gone in the 'Big Apple' studying for dance. For instance the coffee shop, he almost wouldn't have recognized it if he hadn't seen a specific person inside.

Jooheon parked the car and waited while Hyungwon got out and walked to the door. He reached his hand out to open the door only to hesitate a moment, once he opens it he hears a bright and familiar voice greet him.

"Welcome to Traveler caf- Wonnie?!" Minhyuk looks up from the espresso he had just made to see, much to his surprise, the tall and lanky man standing in front of him.

Minhyuk rushes around the counter to make sure his mind wasn't playing with him again. "Why are you still working here? Have you not debuted yet?" Hyungwon asks with a slight chuckle.

"Why are you here? Has it been four years?" Minhyuk asks pulling out his phone to check the date. Hyungwon chuckles while putting Minhyuk's phone down.

"It's only been two, I didn't have enough money to complete the last few semesters," Hyungwon tells him "god, I missed you so much," Hyungwon says bringing Minhyuk into a, rather tight, hug.

Minhyuk stood there he hadn't felt this touch in so long it almost felt foreign, if Hyungwon was gone any longer he would've forgotten what he even looked like.

"and to answer your question, I left starship, the café owner gave me this place last year and I kept it," Minhyuk says "I can be myself, be with whoever I want to be and won't have a boss, because I am the boss," Minhyuk smiles.

"Minhyuk, can I ask you something?" Hyungwon says breaking the hug for a second.

"Yeah, go ahead,"

"Okay well one, I need a job and two, are you okay?" Hyungwon asks

"One, that's not a question and two, I'm in complete shock if I must be honest, I'm in the process of moving to a house and I was going to get my life together before you came back, cause there was stuff I wanted to ask you. But you just showed up so randomly, I'm stunned," Minhyuk explains to Hyungwon.

"Okay well, I still need a job, can I please apply here?" Hyungwon asks.

"Talk to the boss." Minhyuk says with his lips curled into a smile again.

"Well," Hyungwon starts closing the gap between the two "I heard that the boss is really nice, and gives jobs to anyone,"

"I don't know where you heard that but I don't do that," Minhyuk scoffs "here, show me how to shoot an espresso and you have the job,"

Hyungwon grabs an apron from the rack and puts it on, he grabs all the tools and things you need to use. Fifteen seconds later he comes back with a perfect shot. "Now, maybe you didn't know but, I was a barista back in New York." Hyungwon says handing the cup to Minhyuk.

"So, Boss Hyuk, when do I start," Hyungwon whispers with a smirk.

Minhyuk felt his cheeks warm up with Hyungwon's breath that close to him "don't call me boss,"

"Okay, how about baby?" Hyungwon asks while taking the apron off.

"W-we aren't even together, why would you use pet names?" Minhyuk stutters, Hyungwon's playful expression faded at the first sentence, he's right they aren't together, he must've went back to how he normally acted when they were together.

"Ah, you're right, I thought I forgot to ask something when I came in," Hyungwon says but then the bell on the door signaled that a customer was entering.

"Oh- you're back-" Hyungwon didn't know the voice but it seemed as if the person knew him. "Why are you here?" Minhyuk's playful expression disappeared as he gritted his teeth at the person who walked in.

"Well, I was busy practicing and I wanted coffee but I guess you have better things to do," the person answered with a snarky remark.

Wait. Practice?

Hyungwon turned around to face none other than, Yoo Kihyun, the last thing they spoke about was so far beyond Hyungwon's memory he didn't remember but all he remembered about Kihyun is how he hurt Minhyuk.

"Why are you here?" Kihyun asks Hyungwon with a hint of mockery.

"I came back from abroad, why? Does Hyuk mean something to you now?" Hyungwon replies with a hint of sass.

"No, I don't even know what you mean. Didn't something happen between us," Kihyun looked at the name tag "Minhyuk?"

It took everything of Hyungwon's power not to attack Kihyun "did you lose your memory or something?!" Hyungwon yells "you left him so you could 'debut' under your dumb entertainment company,"

"Hyungwon," Minhyuk walked up to him to hush him "it's okay, we told each other we'd pretend like nothing happened, okay?" Minhyuk explains in a calm reassuring voice.

"Wow, you two seem awfully close for not seeing each other for two years," Kihyun says once they go back to the counter.

"Well its a bond since we were children, two years is nothing on us." Hyungwon says, "now we don't accept rude customer behavior in this café so if you'd please escort yourself out." Hyungwon says in a call voice.

"Whatever I'll just go to Starbucks," Kihyun says walking out.

Minhyuk turns back to Hyungwon "what were you going to ask?" He asks "before the drama queen came in a ruined it,"

"Ah, that, well I've been gathering my thoughts around for the past year so that when I saw you again I'd ask you, would you take me back?" Hyungwon asks sitting on the counter.

"You're asking me, of all people, if I'd take you, of all people, back?" Minhyuk asks making sure he heard it correctly.

"Well, that sounds about right," Hyungwon says. "So what do you say?"

"Yes, of course I would idiot, you could've asked me two years ago and I would've said yes." Minhyuk says.

a/n; wow it's thursday? i didn't notice my week has been crazy with the weather from freezing to flooding but, i'm alive!! so here's another chapter.

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