The doll-chapter 1: Mama?

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After the pages were put together they started like this :

"After the door opened I dropped my camera and it wouldn't turn on again for some time , but when the doll peaked out at me I jumped back , quite magnificent how she could move .. I had to question her but she wouldn't have any of it , I begged and pleaded and we came to an agreement , she tells me what I need and I leave , she walked to me and closed the door , I could feel other pairs of eyes staring through the window .. Oh how that made my curiosity grow , but for now I will speak to the doll"

Then the story started :~

She wasn't always a doll , she was human once upon a long time ago , somewhat in the 11th century , unbelievable yes but true the doll was almost a thousand years old!

Remarkable that she was born during the medieval times , the time of kings , knights , and slavery , which was a big part of her life .

She was born to quite a noble family , rich and famous , back then her name was Viviana Kurflux , second born child to Richard and Carmen Kurflux , sister to the young Syphon and later the small and frail Xavier , such a beautiful child she was , caramel brown curly hair , fair skin with rosy cheeks , big pale green eyes and a smile , always with that smile .

But her life wasn't as most expected , up until she was seven she was treated well , part of the family , spoiled rotten , her father's little princess, he would get her anything bit she didn't ask for much, her brother also treated her well , forever playing games and endless adventures around the gardens , her mother would get her any dress that she wanted , any doll , any toy , any piece of jewelry that struck her fancy , but it didn't last , nothing ever did .

On her eighth birthday she was dressed in a plain dark brown hideous dress unlike the pale baby blue she was promised , her hair scraped bad , the maid deliberately hurting her as she brushed her curls back "o-ow" the little girl squeaked , "hush!" The maid snapped , she flinched and did as she was told , her new white leather boots were never placed over her small toes , instead oversized , worn out brown boots that rubbed her feet raw .

After that she was walked to her fathers study and she smiled , 'maybe papa is just playing a little joke on me , my dress will be there , and my boots and my presents , mama will brush my hair out , Syphon will play with me and this time we will bring Xavier too' she said in her head .. Oh how she was wrong..

Once inside her papa looked up from his desk , cringed and looked down , not before she caught a glimpse of his bloodshot and puffed up eyes , the young girl was confused .. ' where is mama? ' she asked herself and walked closer to her father .. Big mistake ..

"Papa? Where is mama?" She asked once she reached the table , standing on her tip toes and peaking over the long table top , it looked wet.. With tears .

Instead of answering however , Richard said the most hurtful thing .. One he would regret soon " I am not your papa... You don't have a papa or mama or siblings , you work here to earn your keep , you won't go anywhere " he said sternly "I am your master now "

The little girl was quite shocked by his words "p-papa... You're scaring me.. Stop it .. Wh-where's mama?" She squeaked , she knew something was terribly wrong "I said you are no child of mine ! Carmen I'd gone .. Oh my dear Carmen .. " he said and tears slipped down the man's face " from now on you will only say one thing to me .. And it's 'yes master' understood ?"

Viviana caught on quickly .. Her mother passed away .. And it seemed her father hated her.. Little did she know that it was she looked exactly like Carmen , and Carmen passed away that very morning , on her birthday , now there was only one thing to do , she lowered her head and sniffled a bit , she looked up again , tears running down her cheeks , her smile gone.

"Y-yes master.."

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