The doll-chapter 2: tears

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The pages fell , hands shaking to pick them back up , a deep breath.

The story went on like this :

" I was quite shocked and felt bad for the doll , I still don't know how she became a doll , not yet that is , I told her that I pitied her .. And she coldly glared at me and said-"

" I don't need a mortals pity" she said .

" a red flare sparked in her right eye , I cringed and kept my mouth shut .. And she continued "

The story began again..


Simply just tears .

Not crying and screaming.

She didn't know why .

She felt horribly .. Empty and .. Abandoned ..

Her 'Master' had explained her work , it sounded rather complex for a young child such as the little girl before Richard but he didn't care .. He couldn't look at her , her long hair too much like her mothers .. No not her mother .. Just like Carmen's ..

He then did something awful to the girl , he walked over calmly yet she shrunk away and looked down .. Big mistake ..

Richard grabbed the girls hair in his fist and tugged her to his desk , of course she screamed and cried , it hurt .. Not the tugging but the fact that her 'papa' was tugging her hair ..

She cried and tried to get away but he kept a firm grip on her caramel curls , he rummaged through the drawers for something , she tried to run but caused herself more pain , Richard was getting rather annoyed and enraged so he struck her one , a hard slap to the the small girls cheek.

Viviana stopped screaming and stood there frozen , a shaky hand reaching up to touch her stinging cheek , she winced and tried not to cry , he just broke a promise to mama.. Which confirmed that Carmen was in fact gone .

They both froze where they were , just staring at each other then she began to cry again , the pain registering in her head , never has he ever struck her or Syphon ..

The man regained his consciousness after that and walked over to her holding something silvery ..

She backed away from him , scared half to death .

He reached her and stroked her hair softly "oh Carmen .." He said softly and before the girl had any time to respond he cut her hair with the scissors he was holding .

"P-papa !" She squeaked as her waist length curls fell to the floor next to her large , worn out boots .

She reached up and touched her hair which was now short , up to her earlobe , she felt tears again but held them back, scared.

"I said I am no papa of yours , you are no child of mine , I am your master " he said and stood up straight again , she sniffled and hung her head " yes master.."

Satisfied he dismissed her , she walked out and saw Syphon , "B-brother ! Look what papa did to me , please help me !" She said near tears and stood in front of him "Syphon ?"

Syphon looked down for a second , his black hair falling over his blue eyes , tears staining his cheeks , yet another sign that Carmen was gone.

When he looked up again his eyes were ice cold , he glared at her "don't call me by name.. You must refer to me as Master Syphon "'he said coldly.

She froze and then lowered her gaze "Y-yes Master Syphon .." She said obediently .

The days just got worse , the days turned to weeks , the weeks to months , the month to years.

Each passing year she would get punished even more , Xavier didn't even know she was his sister .

Eventually the Master re-married a woman with fair hair and quite high ranked in society but she was horrible!

She loved punishing the girl , she didn't know that she was her new husbands only daughter .

Her hair got longer again , she got taller despite the lack of feeding she got , but despite it all .. She looked the spitting image of her mother Carmen .. And that made Master .. Well ..

"The doll stopped talking and I don't know how to get her to talk again.."

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