Chapter two!

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Thomas didn't sleep that night.  

He mostly just laid in bed, engulfed by his sheets, and re-read the poem. The curvy handwriting made it somewhat troublesome to read, with only the dim light that flowed in from outside, but he had it nearly memorized by now.

The boy's hazel eyes felt cloudy. His eyelids felt heavy, tugging him towards the realm of sleep. Then a light across the road flickered on. In the only room that Thomas could recognize.  Newt was still awake. It was nearly five in the morning, the sun was beginning to rise.

Newt was sat at the desk in front of his window, working diligently on something. Now, Thomas won't lie, the blond boy was still very breathtaking. His hair was a thick mess upon his head. His tongue barley poked out from between his lips, focused. And his reading glasses sat carefully on the bridge of his petit nose. God, he was perfect. But what was he doing? Why would he be working on whatever it was, so early in the morning? Thomas had no clue.

The boy got out of bed, and silently walked to his window. The cold air from the open window made him shiver. His heart sped up as Thomas neared the window. He could just barely see the outside ground when his foot caught on a broken floorboard, he squealed, and then he fell. Flat. On. His. Face.

With a huff, and a grunt, and a few unholy words his mother would definitely murder him for, the brunet boy picked himself off the floor, just in time to see the light go out in Newt's bedroom. He cursed once more, as his hands finally felt the cold metal of the windowsill. Though there was nothing great to look at now. The lovely boy was gone. The trees outside were bare from autumn's end. And the sun was just above his head. So he remorsefully dropped back onto his bed, with a heavy sigh that filled the room.

Little plastic glow in the dark stars hung over Thomas's head, but they didn't glow anymore with the sun risen.

He couldn't help but wonder what had been so important that Newt had to write it at five a.m. Maybe he'd forgotten to do his homework? Or maybe he'd been drawing because he couldn't sleep? Or maybe —   Maybe he'd been writing another paper airplane note. The thought alone made the brunet smile with excitement. His heart fluttered with thoughts of affectionate poems from Newt.

But before he knew it, his mum was in his room, turning his light on with a bright smile. "Time to get up, love," she said in a half-whisper. Thomas nodded, throwing his blanket away from himself, dangling his legs over the side of his bed, sitting. As his mother left the room, probably to make breakfast for him and his brother Aris, Thomas peered out the window. The curtains were drawn over Newt's window— he was awake. That's all Thomas needed to know, and so he felt motivated to get up and get ready for the day. 

The schoolyard was full, as always, when Thomas and Aris arrived. Full of smoking teens, angry teachers and couples making out. The boys looked at each other for a moment, before they both burst out laughing. Neither of them really knew why they were laughing, but it was too early in the morning to care. A good laugh always felt nice on mornings like these. Where school would be too early or they just needed to brighten the mood.

Without thinking, Thomas's hazel eyes searched the crowd for a specific boy. There. Newt sat alone, under a tree to the left of the main entrance. He looked back to Aris, who had wandered off with his friends, Harriet and Ben. And without him, Thomas strutted towards the blond boy.

Until he was distracted by a girl's voice calling his name. Teresa. His best friend since... well, forever. They had matching cribs when they were 4 months old, for Christ sake. It seemed as if every time he was out in public, she was somewhere near. Not in a stalker way, but more of a friendly one were they'd end up joking about where they would bump into each other next.

She trotted up to Thomas, distracting him from the blond boy. Her pale arms wrapped around his shoulders, hugging him tight. "Hey Tom!" The dark haired girl gushed, a wide grin spread across her face.

Thomas couldn't help but giggle as she tasseled his hair. They looked almost like a new couple to anyone who saw them. "Hi, Tess," he replied, giggly.

They walked into the school, Teresa's arm slung over Thomas's shoulder, chatting without pause. They laughed hard, the sound echoed through the more empty halls. Until Thomas remembered the notes. They were best friends, it was only fair that he tell her... right? So he stopped abruptly, making the girl stop with him. Slinging his backpack around his shoulder, Thomas unzipped it and began to flip through the pages of crumpled paper until he found it. The note, still half-folded in an airplane shape.

Teresa stared at him, a mix of curiosity and excitement sparked in her eyes as he closed his book bag, throwing it back where it was with a quiet thud. "What's that?" She asked impatiently. Thomas didn't know how to answer that question exactly. So he didn't. He merely passed her the my paper. And watched Teresa's icy blue eyes expand like saucers. She stared at him in awe, before smirking. "Where'd you find this? Who's it from? When did you find it?—" The girl began to spit questions. Thomas didn't know how to answer many of them.

"I found it on my porch steps. I have no idea who it's from— but have my suspicions. And I found it last night," Thomas said, now giddy with the memory of finding it.

Teresa's whole face lit up with excitement that she could not possibly contain. "Who do you think it was?" She asked, desperate to know the answer.

Making sure the hall was empty around them, he leaned closer to the dark haired girl, and whispered, "I think it was Newt!"

  ˖*°*  . 
Chapter by @UniverxseNewtmas

Ahhh hello! I'm so so sorry this chapter was late, and it's not very well done oops, but oh well. Me and the rest of the crew have been super busy with the beginning of school, but there will be more of a schedule after everything gets back on track!
I can't believe this fic has over 100 reads already!! I'm so happy for all of us, and I'm excited for everything to come soon! I love all you you!! Thousands of virtual hugs!

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