One shot - based on

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this is what this whole book is based on\

Yes, there is a love triangle type thing, it'll be explained later in the actual book

3rd Person Pov.

Ming usually has no trouble getting up in the mornings, Forth wakes him up every morning at 4 am and Ming jumps out of bed ready to go. But today Forth was having trouble getting his boyfriend out of bed, he must be little today.

"Baby boy, wake up," Forth spoke softer so he wouldn't startle Ming at all.
Ming whines and turns away from the older.

"Baby, come on, you have work today," Forth kept trying to wake him up but nothing was working.

"Baby 'on't 'anna," Ming mumbled lifting his head up, Forth realized that Ming was in fact little since he had a pacifier in his mouth.

Forth sat on the bed next to him and took the pacifier out of his mouth,
"What was that?" Forth asked not understanding what Ming said.

"I said, Baby don't wanna, I wanna sleep not work," Ming was bratty today, great.

"Don't be bratty," Forth was serious about that, he hates when Ming is bratty since he hates having to punish the little.

"I am ti---*sneezes* tired, what is that smell?" Ming yawned and sneezed then covered his nose.
"Did you buy new smelly stuff? (Cologne)" Ming looked up to Forth.

Forth nodded, "you don't like it?" He asked as the little pushed him away

"It makes me *sneeze* sneeze," Ming pouted and laid down covering his nose with a blanket.

"Alright, I'll go shower then, you better be dressed by the time I come back ok?" Forth was being sweet but stern with the little. Ming nodded.

"Can I be little? And wear little clothes? I don't wanna be big today," Ming asked and pouted a bit.

Forth smiled, "of course baby, if you need help come to my room,"

Ming and Forth share a room but Ming prefers sleeping in his playroom since all of his stuffed animals and little space items are in here, he usually sleeps in Forth's room when he's not little, after they have sex, or if he fell asleep on the way home from work or meetings.

Forth does sleep in Ming's room with him a few times if Ming lets him, otherwise, they sleep in separate rooms. But Forth has a cat that sleeps in his room so he isn't completely alone at night.
Ming is allergic which is another reason why they have separate rooms.

"Ok, um..." Ming looked up at Forth kinda nervous,

"You wanna wear a skirt?" Forth guessed since he saw how nervous Ming was. The smaller one nodded and blushed.

"You can wear one baby, you know everyone is ok with you wearing them," Forth pulled the little onto his lap and hugged him.
When Forth and Ming started dating (3 years ago) Forth made it a point that everyone in his gang/company was ok with the fact that Ming liked to cross-dress and cosplay when he was Little. Ming was happy to hear that but he was always a bit scared about wearing them to work.

"Ok! Get out so I can get dressed, and go take a shower that smelly stuff makes my head hurt," Ming jumped up and tried to drag Forth out of his room. The older just laughed and went to his own room after kissing Ming and closing the door.

Ming took about 20 minutes to pick out an outfit and another 30 to do his hair and makeup.

"Baby, you ready yet?" Forth knocked on Ming's door and then walked in while Ming was putting his shoes on.

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