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  AN: there's a lot of sexual tension between ForthMing, I am not writing smut but I will hint at it. No one knows ForthMing are dating 

3rd Person POV. 

Ming was currently in the hospital laying in bed with 2 IVs in his arm. BeamKit are sitting on the couch in the corner of his room and Forth is talking with some doctors.

So far they don't know what's wrong with him but they did notice he was starved, from crying, dehydrated, from crying, and hasn't been sleeping well. But other than that nothing serious so far

"Um, are any of you his family?" The doctor asked coming into the room. Kit nodded,

"I'm his older brother," Kit said, him and the doctor walked out of the room to talk and Forth sat down next to Ming's bed who was still asleep.

"Why do you care so much? You were never this way with Kit," Beam commented noticing how Forth looked at Ming with so much love and care, unlike how he used to look at Kit, lust and sexually.

"I don't know, honestly, I'm just as confused as you are," Forth was lying since no one knew him and Ming were dating. In reality Forth knew the answer but couldn't tell BeamKit that.

"Don't mess around with him, he's just a kid," Beam said as he threatened Forth.

"I know," Forth nodded and held Ming's hand once he started waking up.

"My head hurts," Ming mumbled, he woke up in little space, he pouted and looked around the room.

"How you feeling baby?" Beam asked sitting next to him.

"Tired, I'm hungry too," Ming pouted and leaned on Forth's shoulder who is leaning over Ming's body helping Beam but some blankets over the little.

"Forth," Ming mumbled and hugged him,

"Hey little one," Forth smiled and hugged the little before moving away so Kit could hug him.

"Kitty!" Ming smiled and hugged Kit,

"You scared me," Kit said hugging Ming really tight. He was scared he was gonna leave him like the rest of their family did. Kit started crying while hugging Ming and Ming just hugged him telling him he wasn't gonna leave him alone like everyone else did.

"Im ok Kitty, I fight," Ming smiled and acted like Anpanman (superheroes) Kit just smiled and hugged him.

"I know Minie," Kit smiled and kissed his cheek before going to sit next to Beam again.

Beam and Forth were confused but no one said/asked anything.

"Kitty?" Ming looked over at his brother while holding Forth's hand/leaning on his shoulder.

"Yeah?" Kit asked

"Do I have what they had? Or no?" Ming asked.

"You don't Minie, you're just dehydrated/need to eat more," Kit said.

Ming nodded, "that's good," (no longer little)

BeamKit left to get Ming some water and food so it was only ForthMing left in the room.

"What do you mean 'what they had?'" Forth asked.

"Alot of people in our family passed away from illnesses, so i was hoping that i didnt have one too so i wont have to leave Kit alone." Ming said. Forth was shook.

"Is that why you guys are always together?" Forth asked

Ming nodded, "if that ever happned we wanna be with eachother incase one of us....ya know..."

Forth nodded understanding.

"I'm just happy you're alright babe," Forth said and leaned over to kiss Ming's cheek but instead Ming turned his head so Forth kissed his lips instead.

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