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3rd Person POV.

"I don't believe you," Ming pouted but still kept hugging him while crying.

"I know baby, I'm sorry," Forth said and hugged Ming, 

Little Ming still loves Forth but Ming (normal) knows that he shouldn't trust Forth anymore.  

"You're not sorry, Forth, you don't fucking care either, you just like having me around as some sort of toy, you take advantage of me all the time when I'm little and I hate it. I fucking hate it. I trusted you, and you broke that. Why did you do this? Did you even love me?" Ming was ranting, and just really pissed off at everyone. He was sitting next to Forth now, he got out of little space and moved away from the older. 

Forth was shocked, he felt bad, he was a jerk to the younger. 

"Ming, I am sorry, you're not 'a toy' to me," Forth said but he didn't answer the question about if he actually loved Ming or not. 

"Did you actually love me?" Ming asked again getting ready to call Lia and Joon who he's been living with for the past few years. 

Forth couldn't answer, he was scared Ming wouldn't believe him. They sat in silence until Ming had enough and started walking back home while calling Lia. Forth just sat there and watched Ming walk out of his life for the 3rd time. He called Kit and let him know where Ming was though.

- at Ming's house - 

"That bitch." Joon said as she drank her beer and handed one to Ming.  Her and Lia were sitting on their bed with Ming in between them watching movies and just talking about everything that's happened recently. 

"And to think you've wasted all this time with them when you could've been having a shit ton of fun as a single gay boy," Lia said. All 3 of them were slightly drunk so not much was making sense at the moment, Ming is the only one thinking straight/barley drunk. 

"I hate them," Joon added, Ming just nodded and kept drinking, but he was mainly eating ice cream since he didn't like drinking all the time like the girls did. 

"Does Kit know?" Lia asked, Ming nodded. 

"He's the one that's been telling Forth and I to get back together," Ming replied.

"Does Beam know?" Joon asked,

"Probably, but he didn't do anything to stop them," Ming was sad, mad, betrayed, and pissed off at everyone. He knew nothing would last between him and Wayo but it didn't have to end like that, it's ALL FORTH'S FAULT. Actually, its not.

It's Ming's for being so naïve and too trusting of everyone all the time. 

"Hey when do you go back to England?" Ming asked as he finished his beer. 

"Next week, why?" Joon asked, 

"Can I go with you guys?" Ming asked, he was so much happier in England, he had more/better friends, Kit wasn't being a helicopter brother and micro managing his life all the time. And best of all, NO DRAMA. unless he was in a theatre production since his minor in college was acting. 

"Hell yeah, we aren't leaving you here alone," Lia said. Both the girls hugged Ming and then the 3 of them spent the rest of the night watching movies and face timing their 'gang' of friends back in England letting them know Ming was coming home. Home, it had a nice ring to it for Ming. 

"Thanks so much, I love you guys," Ming said before they hung up the call, 

"WE LOVE YOU TOO MINIE!!" they, Adam/Josh/Jamie/Lia/Joon yelled at him and LiJo attacked him in hugs. 

For once Ming actually felt loved by someone/people. not being used, or taken advantaged of, actual love. it was nice, Ming smiled and hugged them back and blew a kiss to the others through the camera before going to his room to change into some different clothes and take a shower before going back to the girls' room and watching movies all night. having a night without drama for the 1st time in a long ass time. 

- texts Ming & Beam -

MING: I'm going back to England, just wanted to let you know, love ya bro please don't tell anyone where I'm going, I just need to get away from everyone for a bit, I'll call you the day I leave so you can be there for me. thanks for not being a dick/asshole like everyone else. 

BEAM: alright, I'm here for you baby-bro if you ever need anything, I'm really sorry about everyone else, especially Kit, he's been the worst out of everyone. I wont tell anyone but you gotta call me every week like last time I like seeing how you're doing and stuff, Love ya bro!

MING: thanks you're the best! I'll call you the day before I leave

Ming put his phone away and just hung out with the girls for the rest of the night, and the days before all of them had to leave. He didn't talk to anyone aside from them and Beam. 

No Forth, Phana, Wayo, Gang members, etc. just Beam and all of his friends. He's starting over and it's gonna be different this time. 

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