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3rd Person POV. 

"I think we should take a break," Forth said looking at Ming. 

"What do you mean?" Ming asked extremely confused. 

"I think we should break up," Forth said. 

Ming froze and just kind of looked at Forth hoping for this to be a joke.

"You're joking right?" Ming asked looking at the older

"No, I'm serious, I think we should break up," Forth said and got up hugging Ming who was just really confused.

"Why?" Ming wasn't mad, he was sad, but over all not extremely mad about it.  

Him and Forth sat down and started talking for nearly 5 hours, they argued a bit but understood each other and why things weren't working out. 

"So, you wanna break up because you aren't sure of your feelings?" Ming asked trying to understand what Forth meant. 

Forth nodded, "I love you, honestly I do, but I just have this feeling, when I look at both of our futures I see you in one place and me in another, I don't see us together," 

"I get that, I feel the same way but don't you think in the end we'll end up together again?" Ming asked, he was eating candy while him and Forth were having this serious talk. 

"Maybe, but for now I don't think we will," Forth said, he knew this was hurting the younger but he had to say something, he didn't wanna keep lying and leading Ming on, he wanted to be 110% honest with him. Even if this is something Ming didn't wanna hear. 

"Ok," Ming nodded, he understood what Forth was saying, he was actually happy Forth said something about it, and didn't try to hurt Ming, he was just being honest with him.

"So, we're breaking up?" Ming asked looking up at Forth who was sitting next to him now. 

"In a minute," Forth said and leaned closer to Ming kissing him one last time before they broke up. Love You Goodbye, a bittersweet saying. They kissed/made out for a bit, and then pulled away and hugged each other before officially breaking up, Ming went to pack his bags and leave while Forth went to his office and locked the door. 

- 3 YEARS LATER -  Ming - 24 - Forth - 30 -

"I don't wanna go Kit," Ming said as Kit dragged Ming into the very familiar hide out of the FSG. (Forth's Gang). 

"It's only for an hour, I have to serve food, its my job." Kit said as him and Ming walked into the kitchen and out into the main meeting room where an all too familiar man was sitting still looking as hot as ever. Forth. 

Ming looked down at the ground and never made eye contact with Forth, while the older couldn't keep his eyes off the younger. Ming's grown up so much since the day he left that if it wasn't for him standing next to Kit he would've assumed it was a new gang member and not his ex-boyfriend. 

"Who's that Kit?" Wayo, a newer gang member asked. 

"I'm Ming, its nice to meet you," Ming smiled at the boy who couldn't be too much younger than himself. 

"I'm Wayo, nice to meet you too," Wayo smiled and stood up shaking hands with Ming. Forth just watched the two before speaking up, 

"Wayo, please take a seat so we can start the meeting," Forth said looking at the 2 boys talking. 

Wayo nodded and gave Ming his number before sitting down next to Forth's right hand man, Phana. Ming went back to the kitchen with Kit. 

Kit smirked at Ming and then looked through the window over at Wayo. 

"Wayo seems to like you," Kit said as he started heating up the food he cooked earlier. 

"He's cute but he looks better with that guy than he would with me," Ming said pointing to Phana, 

"That's Phana, he's been crushing on Wayo for years now." Beam said walking into the room. 

"They'd make a cute couple,"  Ming said and helped the two cook and serve the food to everyone. 

- couple hours later - 

"Ming," someone said behind the boy, Ming turned around and came face to face with Forth...

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