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now we get into GangLife 

3rd person POV.

"I swear we can't leave you two alone anymore," Kit was joking obviously, ok not really him and Beam walked in on ForthMing making out again. But can you blame them? They haven't seen each other in 2 years give them a break.

"Let them be, they haven't seen each other in a while," Joon said.

Ming just blushed and hid behind Forth.

"Whoa! Ming has emotions!" Lia was shook. Ming never really showed his emotions, was always quiet, until he got drunk, then he was an emotional mess. 

"Li, have you not seen him h---" Ming cut Joon off. 

"Don't finish that sentence." Ming said.

"Aww you're no fun," Joon pouted and Lia hugged her.

"What happened?" Forth asked

"I'll tell you when Kit isn't around," Ming said leaning on the older's shoulder.

"Why can't I know?" Kit asked

"I'll tell you, when we're like 70," Ming said Joon and Lia started laughing. 

- couple hours later -

LiJoon went back to their hotel, BeamKit went back home and Ming got to stay with Forth.

"I really missed you," Forth said as he laid down on his bed and Ming carried in his bags and started unpacking them into Forth's room, he was gonna go to a guest room but Forth wanted him in here.

"I missed you too," Ming smiled and laid with Forth once he finished unpacking his clothes.

"You're wearing the ring," Forth was surprised Ming was still wearing it.

"Ofcourse, how else would i keep people away from me at clubs?" Ming said. When he would go out and party people would see the ring and they would know not to flirt with him.

"You went to clubs?" Forth asked since last time he saw the younger he was way too innocent to know or do that stuff.

"Yeah, tattoos-piercings-smoking-drinking, I've done all that, only if i party which was like twice a month, except tattoos/piercings i do those all the time." Ming said and told Forth a bunch of stories.

"Sounds like you loved it there," Forth said playing with Ming's hair and kissing his cheek every few seconds.

"I loved it, I would've stayed for 2 more years but I missed you guys too much," Ming said moving so his face was hiding in Forth's neck.

The couple laid there not saying much for a few minutes, just enjoying each others conpany, happy to be together again and not have to hide it.

And then Forth's phone rang ruining the moment.

"What." Forth said once he answered the call.

"I'll be there in 30." Forth said and then hung up and put his phone away.

"Gang stuff?" Ming asked sitting up on Forth's lap

Forth nodded sitting up and putting his arms around Ming's waist.

"Can I go with you?" Ming asked leaning back on him. Forth nodded kissing Ming's cheek/neck a bit.

"Don't leave marks," Ming said kinda laughing a bit

"I wasn't going to, yet," Forth smiled and hugged the smaller.

"Have you been little at all?" Forth asked,

"No, I only do that around you and BeamKit," Ming said yawning and moving his head to the side a little.

"Do you need to now?" Forth asked, he just wanted to make sure Ming was alright mentally.

"I'm alright, maybe when we come back," Ming said, he really hates being little recently (2 years he was gone) he feels like it makes him seem stupid and like a kid, not an adult.

"Just let me know, I wanna make sure you're alright." Forth said leaving a small bruise like mark on Ming's neck before getting up to put on some diffrent clothes and take a shower.

"Need a shower?" Forth asked grabbing his clothes.

"Are you asking me to join you or telling me to join you?" Ming asked getting up getting his clothes too.

"Telling," Forth said before going into the bathroom and turning the shower on.

Let's just say more than just a shower happened in there. 😜😉

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