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3rd Person POV.

"Forth what the fuck were you thinking?" Kit slapped the back of Forth's head pissed off.

"I don't know what else would i do?" Forth said and tried, but failed, to dodge Kit's slap.

"You're supposed to get him back before he makes a move on Wayo!" Beam said

"On Wayo? Isn't he dating Phana?" Forth asked.

"No, Phana is in love with Yo but Yo is falling for Ming and Ming is making moves on Yo." Kit said.

"Well then we have to stop them," Forth said

"How?" Beam asked

"I don't know, call Ming and ask him where he is right now," Forth said.

Kit ran up to his room and grabbed his phone to call Ming.

"Hey, where are you?" Kit had to leave a message since Ming wouldn't answer his phone.

"No answer?" Beam asked.

"He might be with Wayo, he said something earlier about needing some money for dinner," Forth said, he had heard Ming mumbling to himself after texting Wayo.

- at Wayo's apartment -

"Baby, can you open the door?" Ming knocked on Wayo's door but had his hands full and couldn't open the door.

"Hey Ming," Wayo smiled and helped him carry in the food.

"So why'd you wanna come over? Not that I'm complaining at all," Wayo said and leaned on Ming while he ate his sushi.

"I'm just bored, wanted to hang out with someone cute," Ming's just a big flirt since him and Forth broke up, he LOVES flirting with everyone. Well, not everyone but with people he likes at least. Like with Wayo, he's a HUGE flirt around him.

Wayo blushed and kissed Ming's cheek then kept eating, they weren't officially dating but they pretty much were boyfriends at this point.

Ming smiled and kissed Wayo's forehead and finished eating his dinner.

"Can we watch movies/cuddle?" Wayo asked looking at Ming from his bed where they were sitting before Ming got up to throw the trash out.

"Sure, what movies?" Ming asked taking his shoes off and laying next to Wayo,

Wayo pouted and pulled the bottom of Ming's hoodie,

"Hm?" Ming looked over at Wayo confused,

"I wanna see your tattoos," Wayo smiled and kinda blushed, Ming smiled and nodded.

"Ok," Ming took his hoodie off leaving him shirtless and giving Wayo a full view of his tattoos.

Wayo was just staring at Ming amazed by how many tattoos he has. 

"You're hot," Wayo was straight up with his compliments, Ming smiled and kissed Yo's forehead.

"Thanks baby, you're cute too," Ming said and hugged the smaller which made Yo blush due to Ming being shirtless.... It lead to a few 'other things' happening but I'll spare ya all the details and just say neither of them showed up to the gang meeting the next morning which really pissed off KitBeam and Forth.

AN: sorry its short ill post better chapters later

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