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AN: there's a lot of sexual tension between ForthMing, no I am not writing smut but I will hint at it.

3rd Person POV.

Ming was a mess. Forth was asleep. Kit was a mess. Beam was trying to calm the two brothers down but nothing was working.

"Babe(Kit) Baby(Ming), calm down please," Beam was hugging Kit and had Ming sitting on his lap crying onto his shoulder.

"Shut up," Kit pouted and kept crying while Ming was close to passing out from crying.

The brothers just found out that Ming is being sent out of the country for college next week, his school is doing a mandatory foreign exchange program and Ming was chosen as one out of 100 freshmen being sent to England. Ming doesn't wanna leave and Kit can't live without Ming by his side. Forth woke up when Beam came up to his room carrying the passed out little and setting him next to Forth in bed.

"What happened?" Forth asked putting his arms around the little and wiping away his tears.

Beam explained what's going on and Forth's heart broke at the thought of not seeing Ming for nearly 2 years.

- couple hours later -

"Baby, wake up," Forth tried to wake the little up so he could eat dinner,

"No," Ming mumbled and hugged Forth even tighter.

"Baby, I know you're sad but please eat something," Forth said rubbing Ming's back.

"O...ok..." Ming mumbled hugging Forth tighter when the older picked him up and carried the little downstairs to the kitchen.

"He alright?" Beam asked setting the table, Kit was asleep on the couch passed out from crying as well.

"Doing better, really little right now though," Forth said and Ming started whining a bit.

"What's wrong?"

Ming mumbled random words and Forth assumed he wanted food, Ming shook his head no,

"Bottle?" Beam asked holding an empty baby bottle, Ming nodded and laid his head down on Forth's shoulder.

"Tired?" Beam asked as he made a bottle for Ming

"Sad," Ming mumbled and asked Forth to set him down, Forth put him down and Ming walked over to Kit and laid down next to him and hugged his older brother. Kit smiled while asleep and hugged Ming aswell before sleeping again. Forth and Beam smiled at the two before talking and trying to come up with a way to get Ming out of having to leave.

"I could, 'talk' to the school, get them to  keep Ming and take someone else," Forth said getting out his 'spy' phone and kinda acting like his evil-ganster self.

"That could work, i just can't stand to see them sad, it hurts," Beam said looking over at the brothers.
Forth nodded and called his gang calling an emergency meeting about this.

"If Ming wakes up while I'm gone give him my hoodie," Forth said taking his off and handing it to Beam. He nodded and set it down on the back of the couch.

"I'll be back around 1, call me if something happeneds," Forth said going to his room, changing clothes, and leaving the house.

AN: so is Ming leaving? Or will Forth stop it from happening?
What do you think will happen?

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