Song: Let go by BTS
Two days later.
Y/n pov:Two days passed since you last saw Namjoon. Yesterday you went to Jennie to thank her for saving you after the car accident. She was really nice and you promised to keep in touch. But today was your sister funeral and you knew Namjoon was going to be there. You silently got dressed and walked downstairs where your usually cheerly brother was sulking. "I can't believe she is really gone" He sighed.
"Me neither, I feel like it is my fault." You tell him honestly.
"It isn't your fault sis." Jimin replied looking at you.
"How do you know? If even I don't know. I can't remember why we got into the car in the first place. The last thing I remember is leaving your party three years ago." I say tears streaming down my face. Jimin pulled me in a hug and hugged me tight "I am going to miss her." You whisper in his suit.
"I know Y/n, me too." He sobs
'You guys ready to go?" Yoongi asks coming down the stairs with now black hair.
"Yes." Jimin says walking outside the house with you and Yoongi following him.The funeral was really beautiful, you cried when her boyfriend Taehyung was talking about all the beautiful times they had together and that he would never forget his first love. After Taehyung went to sit down with tears in his eyes. it was Jimin his turn to speak. But he couldn't control his crying and broke down infront of us. Yoongi ran towards him and took him in his arms while he finished the speech for Jimin. But now it was your turn to say something. You walk slowly to the front of the room and stood next to Mina her coffin. You softly placed a hand on the top before speaking.
"Mina was really special to me, she was my twin sister, my best friend, my rock and knowing that she is gone hurts. It hurts so much that I can't describe how I feel." My tears were threating to fall. "I can't even remember our last moment together. I was in the car too but she died and I got to live and it isn't fair. She didn't deserve to die." You reply while you couldn't hold back the tears anymore. You were looking at the crowd of people infront of you and the only person who catched your eyes was Namjoon who was sitting next to Taehyung. He gave you a look that told you to go one. You took a few deep breaths trying to get yourself together before continuing your speech.
"I will miss my sister, I will miss our times together , I will mourn for her but what I won't do is letting her death control my life." You looked over at Namjoon who nodded at you." Mina would have want us to live our lives, keep her memory alive and not have us thrown our life away because she died, she wants us to be happy for her and that is what I am going to do. I am going to live my life the best I can in her honor. I will never forget my sister and the things she thought me." you looked at her coffin again and smiled sadly at it "I love you sis and I will miss you." You finish before walking back to your seat.When the coffin was buried you stood at the edge of the grave with your brother and his boyfriend, The other people already left to drink some coffee and tell each other's memories of Mina. I looked at her stone and sat on the ground.
"Y/n we are going in, are you coming with us?" Jimin asks with a thick voice from crying.
"In a bit." You reply.
"Okay." He replies walking back with Yoongi. you sighed and cried softly after they were gone"Y/n?" An all too familiar voice says. You turned around and saw Taehyung standing there. "Can I sit?"
"Yeah of course." You tell him

Remember me ~ Namjoon
FanfictionBts fanfiction Namjoon (RM) x Reader short story What would you do when you suffer from amnesia and the beautiful man infront of you claims to be your fiancé