Song: For you by BTS
Y/n pov.
After Namjoon finished telling you about your first meeting the food arrived. You looked at it and licked your lips before taking a bite. Namjoon chuckled and did the same. "Thank you for telling me." You tell the older boy infront of you with a smile.
"No problem." He replies taking another bite.
"Well why don't we play 20 questions?" You ask him,
"Sure. you start."
"Where do you work?"
"I work at an artist label, I am music producer alongside with Yoongi. The company is owned by Jung Hoseok, Since he is married to Jin we can make fun of him knowing he would just play along. He is a really cool guy, always happy and such. You would like him."
"I would love to meet him." You reply.
"Okay my turn." Namjoon says grabbing his coke "Why did you decide to ask me out?"
"Well when you comforted me at the funeral, I just wanted you to forgive me for treating you horrible." You tell him looking at your hand
"You didn't treat me bad, Y/n." He says grabbing your chin and lifting it up so he could look you in the eyes. Your breath hitched in your throat, his eyes were beautiful, warm and kind. You always hear people say that eyes are the mirror's to someone's soul and now that you looked into his eyes you knew that they were telling the truth. His fingers slowly stroked your chin before he pulled his hand away.
"Let's continue with the questions." You say with trembling lips.You guys continued playing for a while, diner was finished and Namjoon paid Jungkook and Jin. Jin winked at you when Namjoon grabbed your hand. You two walked outside the diner. "I had a really great time." You tell him smiling looking at your intertwined hands.
"Me too we should do this again." He smiled
"Can I ask you one more question?" You ask the handsome man infront of you. The light of the restaurant provided enough light to see his face. He nodded. You took a deep breath "Can you kiss me?"
His eyes widened and he took a step closer to me, laying on of his hands on my cheek while the other still hold my hand. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." You say leaning in. he smiled before placing his lips on yours. You couldn't describe the feeling, you never felt happier. You responded to the kiss opening your mouth slightly so he could deepen the kiss. Then you felt it again the stabbing pain in your head. Only this time ten times worse. You pulled back and fell to the ground clutching your head.
"Y/n what is wrong?" Namjoon asks worried. As response you screamed different imagines appeared infront of your eyes. You saw Jimin and Yoongi sharing their vows, Namjoon and you near the food table laughing. You saw your first kiss with namjoon flash before his eyes, Mina telling you she got engaged. You buying a house with namjoon. You could hear Namjoon shouting for Jin and Jungkook somewhere far away. you screamed to much emotions and memories came rushing back to you. "Namjoon." You whisper when you saw him smiling down at you. he offered his hand and you gladly took it. Then everything went black before your eyes.Namjoon Pov.
I felt in heaven when I felt her lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss. But then she pulled back and fell to the ground grabbing her head in pain. "Y/n what's wrong." I ask her concerned. She didn't respond with words but with an earpiercing scream. My heart broke I grabbed my phone and dialed 911 while screaming for Jungkook and Jin to help us. I heard her whisper my name before she passed out.End Namjoon pov

Remember me ~ Namjoon
FanfictionBts fanfiction Namjoon (RM) x Reader short story What would you do when you suffer from amnesia and the beautiful man infront of you claims to be your fiancé