Wynter McEwan

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" Thank you for calling Family Medical Center. This is Melinda Scott speaking, how may I help you?"

" Hi, this is Wynter McEwan, I was calling to see if my test results came back yet?" I asked the receptionist over the phone as I clicked the tip of my nails against the end table nervously.

" One second Mrs. McEwan, could you please hold. The doctor was just about to call you."  Ms. Scott replied politely.

She put me on hold as music played softly in the background. My mind began to wonder. I took a deep breath and exhale slowly, trying my best to calm myself down from the thoughts that were running through my head. I'm hoping I was just panicking for nothing. Last week I went into the doctor's office because I had a fever and flu-like symptoms. Then on top of that, I had a funky-ass discharge that was itching like crazy. I know its gotta be just a yeast infection and maybe it was too soon for them to detect that I had the flu. The doctor finally got on the phone.

" Hi Mrs. Wynter McEwan, this is Dr. Sheila Murray. Do you mind coming back to the office, preferably today? I can't discuss your results over the phone. If you come today, I can get you right in darling."

" I can come today, a matter of fact, I'm about to be on my way. If that's ok?"

" Yes, Can you be here by 1:30?" The doctor asked me anxiously.

"Yes I can, so is it that bad huh?"

"As I said before ma'am, I can't discuss your result over the phone. Just when you sign in, put 1:30 down for your appointment time and I'll see you then."

"Ok. Thank you, doctor."

We then hung up the phone. As I slipped on my shoes, I couldn't help but feel like I had some kind of disease. Anytime a doctor tells you to come in for your test result, it couldn't be any good news behind that. I know I better not have anything because it's only one person who could have given it to me and that's Aiden. I'm married to a guy I've been with since high school.
Aiden McEwan was my first and my only. It's crazy, I could probably have any man that I desire because of my beauty. I practically look like a Barbie doll. I had light blue eyes, platinum blonde hair and a tiny waistline with a small frame. I even had a fabulous lifestyle and a pink corvette. The only thing that was different was Aiden was no Ken doll, he was more like Ken's black friend, Steven. I had a thing for tall slim dark-toned men. I was a white girl that loves chocolate and Aiden was just that. He is an extremely handsome and successful software development manager. This beautiful mansion that we're living in, is all because of him. Aiden spoiled me in every way possible. He gave me anything and everything I ever wanted. I couldn't ask for a better man. So, I really couldn't understand why I was going to the doctor's office. The only other thing I could think of besides an std is cancer. Either way, I felt my world tumbling down right before my eyes. 
    Soon as I arrived at the doctor's office, they took me back to a room. My heart skipped beats as the nurse took my blood pressure. I felt like I couldn't breathe from being so anxious. The nurse could feel my hands shaking and see how tense up I was.

"Are you ok Mrs. McEwan? Your blood pressure is kind of high and you're shaking." She asked as she took the second reading of my blood pressure.

" I'm just a little nervous that's all," I said trying my best to relax.

" I'm going to need for you to calm down or I'm going to have to send you to the hospital. I don't want you to go into cardiac arrest."

I took another deep breath. " I'm going to be fine."

"Ok, Mrs. McEwan. Dr. Murray will be in to see you shortly." The nurse told me as she closed the door behind her. A few minutes later the doctor walked in.

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