Elleah Hofner

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  Here I was staring in the mirror, looking at my swollen black eye. I'm getting ready to go out with my womanizer fiancée Rodney Terry. I didn't know how many more blows I could take to my face. Caking makeup on my bruises was barely helping any more. I done got tired of hiding my abuse from my mother and my twin sister Elle. Everything was getting overwhelming especially being so secretive about the situation. Then on top of that, my son done witness his daddy beating me on several occasions. I didn't want my son growing up beating on his woman. It wasn't like I needed to stay with Rodney but I couldn't leave him. Dumb I know but I love him. Love doesn't suppose to hurt though.     
Rodney and I met in college. One of the sexiest man I've ever laid my chestnut brown eyes on. He stood about 6'6, dark chocolate skin, you know like special chocolate dark, full beard and thick eyebrows that looked perfectly arched. He was the basketball player that every girl wanted until he hurt his knee and couldn't play any more. Then the hoes scattered like roaches when the light got turn on but I stood right by him. So, now he's a basketball coach at TSU and I didn't have to deal with any hoes.

After we both graduated from college, we got engaged. 5 years later and we're still not married. When I got pregnant with our son  Avery, the wedding got postponed because I didn't want to be pregnant walking down the aisle. I always dreamed of wearing a form fitting dress without a big ol' belly poking out in the front of me. Anyway, years passed by so fast without us even knowing because we both were so busy with work. I'm a R.N and I'm practically at worked all the time. Some how though Rodney still made time to put his hands on me.
Everybody thinks Rodney is a good man because he is such a people person. He is when he's not drinking. When he drinks, he becomes violent.
I do ask myself from time to time, why do I continue to put up with Rodney's shit? I just always wanted my child to have both parents in the household. I didn't experience that growing up. My dad abandoned us when we were two. It's was just my mom and my twin. My mama struggle a lot by herself and I didn't want to have to go through that with Avery. Growing up in the projects was rough but it made me tough as hell. I was a short feisty woman. You better believe every time Rodney tried to fight me, I would definitely defend myself and fight his ass back. I wasn't no punk bitch but it was no way I was whooping a 250 pound man. I only weigh 120 pounds and was 5'2. It was like a chihuahua trying to fight a pit bull. I always tried to beat his ass though.
  Tonight Rodney and I suppose to be going on a date, it's our Anniversary. I wasn't really up for celebrating considering I can only see out of one eye. It was so embarrassing going out in public like this and Rodney seem not to have one problem with it. I brush my hair over my eye, trying my best to hide what the makeup couldn't cover. As I was brushing my hair, Rodney's phone vibrated on the nightstand. Usually he'll have his phone glued to his hip like he had something to hide. I'm not the type of woman that's goes snooping but for some reason my instincts is telling me to look through his phone. The shower was still running full blast, so I had time to scope it out. I grabbed Rodney's phone quickly.

" Damn, lock code." I whispered softly to myself.

I entered several numbers but still the wrong code. I know this nigga not dumb enough to have the year he was born as his lock code but I tried it anyway.
" Bingo!" I said out loud as I unlocked his phone and went straight to his messages.
It was a picture message from some girl name Tierra. She was butt ass naked with her legs wide open exposes her bald pussy, sitting on a basketball. She looked as if she was barely 18 and mixed. The picture message read:

" I'm waiting on our one on one rematch."

I pulled my phone out and saved her number. I sat his phone back on the nightstand. Rodney then turn the shower off and came out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water dripped down his chest onto his ripped chocolate abs. Rodney was a big man but all muscle, pure solid. As delicious as he looked, I wanted to kill him right now. He walked over to me and grabbed my hips. He pulled me close to him.

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