The Flu

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Background: I was sick for a few days and I thought I would use it as inspiration for this little one-off story.

In story artwork by Bshobe and cherryviolets

Summary: Mabel comes home from school one day with a sore throat which soon turns into a pretty nasty case of the flu. Dipper being the only other person at home takes it upon himself to care of his sister till she gets better.

Setting: Winter break. The first winter after Dipper and Mabel got back from Gravity Falls

This is a short One-off.

It was a beautiful and chilly winters day in Piedmont California. Dipper was back home before Mabel was. It was the last day of school before the winter holidays. Earlier that morning the two of them had said goodbye to their parents who were going on a one week trip to see some relatives. After how responsible the two of them had been during their time in Gravity Falls, their parents were more confident the two could take care of themselves.

Dipper was finishing up a snack when he heard the front door open and close. Mabel was their taking off her snow gear before walking into the kitchen. "Hey Mabel" said Dipper. Mabel however does not respond. She opened the fridge, got a glass of water and drank it. "Hey Dipper" she says after that. "My throat was a bit scratchy so I just needed to take a drink first". After that Mabel went upstairs to say hi to Waddles. Dipper could hear her coughing a bit but other then a few times seeing her come down to get a glass of water, he suspected nothing of it.

It was later that night while he was asleep he began to notice. He could hear Mabel tossing and turning in bed and even heard her sniffling a bit.

Next morning arrived. "Good morning Mabel" Dipper said knowing Mabel would be up already. He looked over to her bed and noticed she was still asleep. He walked over to her. "Hey Mabel you up" he said. Mabel then woke up and started to sneeze. "Morning Dipper. my throat does not feel good at all" she says. Dipper then feels her forehead. Just as he suspected. It was warmer then normal. Mabel had come down with the flu. He had seen other kids at school getting sick. He and Mabel were some of the few who had not fallen sick yet. But now Mabel had.

"Looks like you have the flu Mabel" says Dipper. "I think you should stay in bed for the rest of the day". "Ah come on" she says. "I wanted to see the Ducktective Christmas special later today. My tablet won't be able to play it I know for a fact". Dipper laughed a bit. "Don't worry ill figure out something". Dipper then went downstairs and came back up a bit later. "I just got off the phone with mom" he said. "She told me I should take care of you until you get better". "Really like my own personal servant" she says smiling. "Oh boy" says Dipper.

For the rest of that morning Dipper spent half his time in the kitchen making breakfast for himself, a simple piece of toast, and then as their mom had told him, a water poached egg with toast for Mabel along with a cup of hot honey lemon tea for her sore throat. The rest of that first morning was spent with Dipper having to constantly run up to their room for some ridiculous request by Mabel. Sometimes it was to open the window, close it, fluff her pillow, etc. It tired him out but luckily by the afternoon, Mabel was taking a nap. He resorted to calling Grunkle Stan and Ford. Apparently, Ford wanted to prove to Stan that Santa does not live at the north pole so he was taking them their but due to a storm, they were in Oslo for a while. Dipper laughed at that. He wished them both well after they told him to tell Mabel to get well soon before hanging up.

Later that evening the Ducktective Christmas special was to air. Dipper knew how disappointed Mabel would be if she missed it. He then had an idea. It may break his back but it was worth it.

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