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        I dismounted my mare, who I've named Aries. I decided to walk around the ghost town Calico, I knew there would be some kind of perv wanting to 'ride' one of the cowgirl actresses that stay after dark. Aries, as always, stays vigilant and strong against the outside forces that usually try and conflict with us. Not too long after we arrived, Aries' ears turn towards the old jailhouse and she begins to frustratingly scrape the ground. I look in the same direction and immediately sense the abominations within the area.

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        "Anything out of the ordinary?"

Ńø. . .whý?

        "It makes things more fun." That earned a chuckle from Mal but I knew it was bittersweet. Small-time thieves and general sexual harassers satisfied Mal's hunger about as much as a kids meal at a burger place would satisfy a glutton. Either way, it was a meal and we would take it.

        I slowly made my way towards the ancient looking building and peeked through the bars. Three burly looking men were snickering to each other as they sit behind a camcorder pointing directly at a blonde chick, bounded to the wall opposite of them. She was whimpering softly with her hair a mess and her pants gone, leaving her in her underwear and tank top. I was disgusted and I could tell Mal was enjoying himself as he absorbs some of my emotions.

        I look away from the scene and immediately head to the doorway, luckily it was unlocked but it made a loud creak when I tried to push it open. The three guys immediately looked to the door and made eye contact with my amber orbs. One guy grabbed the camera, another made his way towards the girl and gagged her with a sock and duct tape, and finally, the last guy made his way towards me with alarmingly long strides. I immediately back away from the door and prepare myself for a fight but what surprised me is that the guy didn't come out to fight, instead he bursts through the door and ran in another direction. Thankfully, I packed a lasso rope with Aries before I came here. With a simple whistle, Aries came to my side, I vigorously snatch the rope from its place on the horn and channel my power to make it grow longer.

         With a couple of overhead motions and a swift toss, his legs were bounded by my, now flaming calf lasso.

        My eyes burned as I looked towards him and I could tell he was freaked out as I pulled him closer and closer to me with immense strength. I finally got him close enough to the point where I could see the colors of his eyes clearly -or clear enough since it was night- I was about to make my move but was interrupted. I suddenly heard the swift motion of footsteps on the graveled ground as they made their way towards my position. The next thing I knew, I saw a fist coming towards my face and felt a sort of bump impact my right cheek. A crack was heard from the impact but I stood my ground. I looked over to see the guy who tried to take the camera with a look of pain and fear on his face as he cradles his now broken hand, close to himself. I only smile at him as I feel the sensation of the Hell's fire travel up from my chest and over to the rest of my body.

        The Rider was out and boy was I hungry. With a swift motion of my wrist, the lasso that was firmly wrapped around the captured perv, disintegrating him into black ash on the red dirt. The other guy screamed and tried to run like his friend but it was all for nothing as I whipped my lasso towards his back slicing him in half with the searing flames of vengeance; he disappeared instantly like, magician's flash paper.

        I laughed slightly at how quickly two petty souls were taken but all victories come to an end when you forget about the fact that criminals are usually armed. A loud bang came from behind me and I turn slowly towards the sound. The final guy held the girl close to his chest, one hand covering her mouth while the other held a Glock 43 aiming directly at me. I look to my shoulder to see a bullet hole through my jacket.

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