The Time has come

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        We made it to UA's school gates just in time thanks to Aries but, I don't think riding a wild mare is good on the old stomach, especially when its empty. Izuku and I got u so early that we neglected breakfast and that's just a straight death sentence as to whoever pisses me off when I'm hangry.I look to Izuku to see him look a little anxious.

        "Hey Buddy, You feeling powered up yet?" I try to lighten the mood but in all honesty, he looks done with everything. He puts a hand over his mouth as we continue to walk towards the entrance.

         "I may have swallowed the hair but, I don't feel powerful yet-"

         "Stupid Deku and Monster Korbyn." I physically tense up when I hear Bakugou's voice break the peaceful daytime noises. We both turn to see the Bakuhoe himself walking angrily in our direction. Izuku began to blabber a string of best wishes for the asshole all while I smile sweetly towards him.

        "Both of you get out of my way before I set you on fire." Izuku jumps a little bit behind me as Katsuki walks past both of us but I keep my ground and smile sweetly towards him. As he walks by, he purposely rams his shoulder into mine but it didn't move me too much.

        "You know Sweaty, if you got that attitude under control and had some decency, people might consider you a hot guy and possibly a good hero." My smile widened as he looks back to me with those blood-red eyes in a glare but, he only scoffed and continued walking.

         "Eve-chan why do you always do that? You could get hurt by him." Izuku's timid voice finds its way to my ears as we both stood there watching Katsuki walk away. I look to Izuku and say sweetly,

        "Izuku, we have both been through hell for the past ten months and I have a literal demon spawn living inside of me . . . Do you really think I'm scared of Bakugou?" he was silent for a minute as he examined my face but, I guess I ruined whatever profound thought he had about me in an instant when I said,

         "Plus this is the perfect excuse to kick his ass 'accidentally' for all the crap he put us through." Heh. Izuku physically sweatdropped at that comment. I laughed a little before I pushed him forwards a little.

         "Come on Izuku, Let's go be badasses!" I walk past him a little bit as I was walking, I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me right before a sweet giggle.

         "Are you okay?" I look behind me to see a girl. She had a cute round face, brown hair, and a honey glow on her cheeks . . . she reminds me of a cat for some reason. She had her hand hovering over Izuku as he floats two feet from the ground. He freaked out a little bit when he realized his surroundings. Both I and the girl let out a chuckle as we helped Izuku stand back upright. She then places her hands together as she speaks to Izuku with a genuine smile.

        "I stopped you from falling with my quirk, I'm sorry I didn't ask first. But I didn't think you would mind me catching you." I look to Izuku to see he is just staring at this girl like she just stopped Armageddon . . . Oh, this was gonna be fun.

         "Isn't this all super nerve-wracking?" I elbowed Izuku in the side and that seemed to wake him up. . . but with the expense of the same nervousness he had when he met me for the first time. I just rolled my eyes at him and nodded to the girls with a friendly smile. The moment was nice until my stomach let out a vicious growl. I blushed under my dark skin a little as the girl chuckled and commented,

         "Sounds like you were in a rush this morning and forgot to eat." I just shrugged and chuckled in agreement.

         "Welp, I'll see you both inside. Bye." I gave her a wave as a goodbye as she walked away while I returned to Izuku's state of being. Izuku had this face of pure endearment as he grabbed my shoulders and said excitedly,

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