Sports Festival continued. (stop hating)

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(BurningWillow: I understand that my writing can get kind of out of hand when it comes to the word count and one of my friends who reads this story has told me to just add videos in places of battle since I'm not descriptive enough in battle scenes. So those who agree with that, I will only put a short chapter today and then take your feedback to see if you like this method better. Thank You.)

   Before my memories welled up at the feeling of falling from great heights, I gently placed my hands around Aries' neck and allowed my flames to engulf her into the motorcycle. When that was done, I used my tools from before and let out a demonic cry as they snaked themselves around Aries and myself and planting themselves into the opposite cliff like a safety harness.

   "Let's ride." I said to no one in particular, but Aries took that as her cue to drive us up onto the surface again. Her wheels began to catch flames and launch us into the air catching a couple of eyes as we emerged from basically the hell of a drop and all I did was smile a crooked smile and rode off each mound of earth making Aries and I look like a skipping stone.

   Soon we made it out of the cliffs and I began to ride off, but Aries made a growl as I looked behind us to see a couple of contestants use us as their ride. I park Aries and give her a pat on the seat as she began to ride in a direction away from the course, hopefully, no one attached themselves to her too late or else they're disqualified.

   I started running once again and noticed the influx of people and knew that this was gonna be a major delay if I didn't act, so I used my speed once again to get past the large crowd but that resulted in me landing in a minefield . . . Literally. Some poor victim next to me was blown back into the sea of people with a dazed look on his face . . . Yeah, he was knocked the fuck out.

   I scoped the scene ahead of me and saw Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki ahead of me along with some class B students that u recognized. My blood was boiling at how my powers were basically useless now and the explosions were triggering a chain reaction of anxiety and annoyance. I took a deep breath and simply began to run until I was blown to Izuku's side.

   "Ah! Eve!?"

   "It's not All Might." He seemed to let out an exhausting sigh after that and continued to busy himself. I noticed he was digging up some mines with a makeshift piece of metal. I quickly caught on to his plans and began to dig alongside Izuku. He started to catch on to what I was doing and began to try and stop me.

   "Eve, you can't help me in th-"

   "Now who told you I couldn't help you?" He gave me a surprised expression as I stood up and dusted off my hands. "Last time I checked anything goes as long we stay in the course right?" I gave him a big smile as I turned and readied myself to use my inhuman speed to catch up to Katsuki and Shouto.

   "See you at the finish line Broccolli Boi!" With that final shout, I channeled my fire once again into my feet and made mad jumps of unholy speed towards the boys passing a few stray competitors in the process.

   Explosions were everywhere and the sound of destruction was nothing more than an adrenaline pumping high for me, but what really caught my attention was the ginormous puff of smoke behind us sending a domino effect of competitors into the air and above it all Izuku was flying on a little piece of metal towards the two boys and myself. This boy was crazy and I respected that and I was ready to blast everyone out of the way just to make sure the world sees Izuku.

   As Shouto and Katsuki were staring at Izuku, I quickly made my way past them, judging from how high Izuku was and How fast he was descending, there was no way he was gonna make it off that one explosion . . . not without a little nudge of course.

   I could sense Izuku catching up to my position in first and that is when I knew I needed to be ahead of him by at least two yards so that I could do this right.

   Shouto and Katsuki eventually got the memo and quickly made their way in trying to pass Izuku and me. This was exactly the moment I needed. I stopped running and allowed the boys to fly past me. I took a hold of what remained of my tools and set them aflame and let out a cry as I struck the ground under Izuku right when he was about to use the piece of metal to initiate another set of explosions. My tools eventually burnt to a crisp and the puff of smoked masked Izuku as he took the lead, as for myself all I wanted to do was just keep up with the boys. The arena was so close and by the time I made it in there, the boys were already there standing at the center while all I did was walk up to each of them and gave them a hug. Katsuki's, in particular, was interesting since he didn't seem to notice me holding him or him holding me as he was too busy threatening Shouto and Izuku. It wasn't until I went to hug Izuku then he directed his anger towards me instead of Izuku for making it to the finish line first.

   I was all smiles as I took a breather from the physical endurance and decided to take a seat on the ground and watch everyone else come through the gates. Eventually, Ochako made it through and gave Izuku her kudos and not to my surprise, he clams up a little and actually wraps his arms around himself to try (fail) to hide his blush.

   After we exchanged some exhausted chatter it was time for the next event and to my surprise, we had to be in teams of two to four in a cavalry battle and that each of us was assigned a point value depending on what we placed in the obstacle course and when I heard Izuku's score I think we both stopped breathing for a good 10 seconds.

   His point value is fucking ten million!?

   I leaned over and whispered, "Izuku I'm sorry I thought I was helping when I set those mines off early." He looked at me with dead eyes for a minute and If I weren't making sure he was still standing, he might have fainted on me. I slapped his back and that seemed to put him back into his body a deep breath.

   "Izuku breath it's no time to panic." With a little pat, I walked off and began to scope out people, much to my dismay I wanted to help Izuku, but if I help him more people with target him and he won't always have me around so I had to begin my search. I was about to walk up to Tsu and her team until I felt a sharp tug on my braid dragging me to another part of the field.

   "Korbyn you're on my team. You don't get a say." Katsuki said in a demanding tone as he yanked my hair one last time before letting my braid go to meet the other teammates. Thankfully they kind felt sympathetic even Sero began to pet my head like I was a cat.

   "Katsuki I don't think this matters much right now but, I'm not into hair-pulling. Just get my attention another way."


   "Did you just call me Korbyn?"


   "I did since you used my name first." Mina and Eijiro were smart enough to cover my mouth and hold Katsuki back as he was practically foaming at the mouth with anger. Soon the fifteen minutes were up and I was stuck with Katsuki, but at least Sero and Eijirou were cool.

   The battle began with me on the right Eijirou in the front and Sero to the left and to no surprise, everyone was going after Izuku's team mine included. After some squabble with the other teams, Katsuki took to the skies and attempted to ambush Izuku since one of his teammates provided him with a jet back and was screaming about babies.

(BurningWillow: yes I did leave it off here intentionally because that is the number of words I was suggested to write. It's annoying that I can't use words to express emotion but I digress. here are your videos.)

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