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(~*I'm sorr for the short filler, but I'm having work build up from school and personal stuff get in the way. Don't worry I will soon write as much as I possibly can during December. :BurningWillow*~) 

*Robbie Reyes' POV*

Something has been off for a week. I can't sense her like I used to when I got to the border of the city. Maybe she was out purging while I was there.

        I finally thought it was time for Eve to meet my brother. Gabe seems to be fine with staying at someone else's house and I didn't blame him. I was acting like a real douche to him when I let my uncle take over.

        "Woah is this the house?" Gabe asked almost like his old self would; with innocent curiosity and excitement.

        "Yeah, I've been taking care of Eve since her parent passed. She's really nice just a little sarcastic."

        "I don't know Robbie what if she doesn't want me here?"

        "Don't worry bro, she actually has been dying to meet you and was scared you would think she's weird. Plus there's a bonus to her house."

        "What?" I pulled my car over to the side and give a sharp whistle and in an instant, Eve's horses came prancing with excitement though only three came. I noticed Aries was missing.

        "Hmm." I closed my eyes and searched through my senses but felt nothing. Gabe was distracted by the horses I got out of the car to look for any sign of her being here, but still came up with nothing.

        "Hey Gabe, it's time we go meet up with Eve she might be inside baking again." Gabe nodded and retracted his hand from the horse's as we continued down the dirt road. We made it to the front door and found it to be stacked high with mail . . . about the same amount as a week's worth of mail. I was feeling uneasy and found her spare key to unlock the door.

        "Hey Gabe, She has an Xbox if you want to play video games."

        "Sweet!" Gabe immediately hobbled over to her couch and excitedly waited for me to set up something fun for him (For the sake of Gabe's innocence I chose Minecraft.). While Gabe was figuring out the controls, I went around the house to look for her but came back shortly. I was at my wit's end and decided to check the fridge for a note or something, but found nothing. I opened the fridge to check the dates on the food to see if my theory about her being gone was correct.

        I opened the fridge to find a small vanilla ice cream cake with the words "Welcome Gabe!" written in blue frosting still perfectly packaged inside of a plastic container from a bakery. Luckily the receipt had the date she bought the cake, but I hated the results, the cake was bought a week ago.


         "Hey I'll be right back Gabe, I gotta take a leak."

        "Mhm." Gabe finally figured out the controls and seemed to zone out to care about what I was doing. I went to the bathroom and locked the door behind me as I pulled out my phone.

         I dialed the number I needed and waited a couple of minutes until I heard a gruff 'hello' from the other line.

        "Blaze. Eve is gone." 

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