The Press = Vultures

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(* BurniningWillow- Quick note after this chapter I'm going to drop the Japanese context in the dialogue since I'm not Japanese and I don't want to offend anyone with my terribleness. Also, remember this chapter is short but important. Thank you.*)

        News reporters. I never have seen so many of them gather in one place before. Usually, I'm watching the aftermath of what I did on the news, but God these people can't take a hint when their presence isn't wanted.

        I was riding Aries to school when I first spotted the sea of people but at that moment I thought I could use her as a distraction. After dismounting her, I gave her the signal to ride off and make as much noise as possible. When she galloped away whinnying and clicking her shoes loudly, a handful of the reporters dissipated and followed her while I attempted to go inside unnoticed I was stopped by my powers sensing a guilty soul nearby. I scanned the area until I spotted a worn black hoodie with cracked/chapped lips frowning under the hood. It was a thin guy looking towards the direction Aries galloped off to until he sensed my glaring and met my golden eyes with his beady red ones.

        He slightly widens his eyes as the rider within me begins to give him a penance stare. He holds himself a little under my gaze until a shrill woman's voice snaps me out of my actions to look her way.

        "Hey! Kid! Can you tell me what it's like to have All Might as your instructor."

        "I need to go. Excuse me, please."

        "It will just be a minute. Please answer my question."

She's getting on my nerves.

        I sighed as I took a step back and used my inhuman speed to weave through the crowd and make it into the school grounds. After making my way past the crowd, I looked back with searching eyes for the man earlier, but he and his black tattered hoodie were gone.

        Soon enough Mr. Aizawa came to settle thing with the press, but this only had them trigger the entrance security system and have giant steel walls block the gates' entrance and high walls. Mr. Aizawa then tapped my shoulder and tiredly remarked,

         "Get to class Cunningham-san, I'm not in the mood to assign after-school detention."

        "No one in this school can keep you from a nap right, Sensei?" I smile as I walk by his side. He only side glances me before he looks forward once more and remarked,

        "Get to class before me and I might not expel you." I only chuckled to myself before running to the classroom.

        In the class, everything is what I assumed was normal until I realized my assign seat was moved by chance. I didn't really care so I just took my seat a dude with spiky red hair. Thankfully the classroom had a fair amount of space and a decent amount of seats.

        After a little while and a scolding from Aizawa to Katsuki and Izuku he announced that we were to pick a class representative. I've never seen so many people get excited over a common school thing.

       "Silence everyone, Please!" Iida's voice was enough to quiet everybody and look in his direction as he continued.

        "The class representative is to lead others. It's not just something anyone can do. We will hold an Election to choose our leader." I giggled catching his attention and said, "Maybe be a little more discreet in your desires Iida. You still have your hand in the air." He put his arm down and cleared his throat after being a little flustered.

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