Everything changes

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   "E-everyone. I'm l-looking forward to hear *hic* of all your stories *hic* of how fun *hic* camp was." Poor Mina could barely contain herself as she hiccuped her sorrowful sentence, but she wasn't alone. Denki, Rikido, and Eijiro stood by her side with looks of complete defeat. All I could do was hold poor Mina in a half hug as she tearfully tries to get a hold of herself.

   "Maybe there will be a last-minute twist. Or something."

   "Stop Midoriya. By saying that out loud your just jinxing them." Izuku tried to make light of the situation but was only met with Sero's melancholy mood. Denki's dark mood seemed to grow into a wall of anger as he spoke,

   "They said whoever failed will have to skip training camp and live in summer school hell. We didn't pass the practical so we're doomed" In this moment Denki reared back two fingers and jabbed them into Izuku's eyes as he finished his sentence all while Izuku cried in agony.

   "Don't you get it Midoriya or did All Might knock the brains out of you!?"

   "Denki, enough. Or you relinquish your hug privileges." As fast as the speed of sound he joined my opposite side for a hug and kept quiet. For good measure, I began to pat both Mina and Denki's head to calm them down.

   "Ease up Kaminari, I'm not sure I'll get to go either."

   "What do you mean Sero?" He slumped a little in his spot as he continued.

   "Our team only passed thanks to Mineta. I got knocked out and since we don't know how they are scoring stuff so I might have flunked."

    "At Least bring us back on to camp! Somebody! Please-"

   "Once the bell rings, you should be in your seats." Aizawa's monotone response was only met with everyone dead silent in their seats.

    "Morning. Unfortunately, there are a few of you that did not pass your final exams. So when it comes to the training camp in the woods. Everyone is going."

    I swear that smile of his can be its own cursed image.

   "We really get to go to camp!?"

   "Seriously!!?" Both Mina and Eijiro voiced the excitement in the air and signal the relief of Rikido and Denki's mood significantly.

   "Yeah. the good news is no one bombed the written exam. Five failed the practical exam. Two teams of course and then Sero failed as well."

   Damn Aizawa. Why you gotta be like that. At Least tell him before and not in front of the entire class.

   "Allow me to explain. For the practical battles, the teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win. Otherwise, you would have never stood a chance. We were interested in how you work together and approached the task at hand."

    "But didn't you promise that the teachers wouldn't be holding back?" I had to step in on Ojiro's comment.

    "Ojiro, if they didn't hold back, Katsuki and Izuku would be dead -Don't even say anything Katsuki. You know it's true." I only got a grumble and "tch" in response which is considered good, given the situation.

   "Eve's right, it was mostly to get you on edge. . . besides, the training camp will focus on building your strength. Those who failed need those lessons the most, we were never going to separate you. That was a logical deception we use."

   Okay the next time he uses a "logical deception" for getting us to do our best, I'm taking sips of beer or something. This shit could be a drinking game.

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