Let's Play

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Jakes P.o.v

I slowly paced the room as I glanced at the time on my watch. I can't believe she's late! Maybe she isn't coming. I can't believe she's officially my girlfriend. I am excited...but I'm scared. Scared to hurt her. I didn't think I could see myself in love with anyone. I will do everything in my power to make this woman happy.

My phone kept ringing in my pocket. I ignored it but it kept ringing. I pulled it out and looked at the callers ID. It was an unknown number.

"What?!" I barked.

"Is that the way you answer me babe? Why the hell did you block my number?! Tell your guards to let me in before I burn this to the ground!" I hung up the phone and shoved it back into my pocket. She was not going to ruin my mood!

I decided to got to the lunch room and get some coffee. On my way I was stopped by Alexandria. As we stood there talking my eyes caught Diana. I don't know what happened but I'm sure my heart skipped a beat. I totally forgot about talking to Alexandria. I kept staring at her. The red and black slim fit dress looked perfect on her. She walked towards me and smiled.

"You look breathtaking"

"Let me get something straight with you! If you're playing games with my cousin don't even think about it! I will rip you into pieces!" She shouted. I shot her an angry look and she walked off im anger. I held onto Diana and pulled her into my office then I kissed her.  She immediately pulled away and frowned.

"I wonder who told you, you can now kiss me without my consent Mr Grant" I gently grabbed her chin and kissed her again. She pulled away and slapped me. She turned to walk away, but I was not having that. I gently grabbed her from behind. I
Using my free hand I brushed away the hair from her neck and kissed it softly.

"Now, Now Miss Welsh... you're a little hard to resist" I whispered. I ran my hands over her body, then spun her around to face me. I release my grip from her. I licked my lips then smirked at her. She grabbed my tie and pulled me closer to her body. She moved her lips closer to mine, but even though they touched she didn't kiss me.

"I see you still haven't learned your lesson after everything. Don't make me make you get arrested again. Mr Grant"

"I have all the power in this world pumpkin. All it takes is a simple phone call"

"I'll like to see you try" she replied. I grabbed onto her waist and pulled her in for another kiss. She had no idea what I had up my sleeves for her... wait and see... Miss feisty will definitely be brought down. Then she'll have to admit I am the king of REVENGE!!!!

hours later

I looked over the profits I made last week in Australia. My company is growing significantly and I'm pleased. I leaned back in my chair and my mind went to my mother. I had to tell her I am seeing someone. At least she will think more highly of me. I don't think I would marry Diana... it's not that I don't want to, but I don't believe in marriage. As soon as you get married everything goes wrong in your life. It's like a curse. I need Chris to stay away from Diana. I shouldn't feel threatened by him, but I do. He looks at her with lust! I should probably pluck his eyes out.

I presses the intercom and ordered Diana to come to my office. I got up and walked towards my window when she walked in. She came and stood right beside me.

"You know that tomorrow night we will be having a party at the office right?"

"Ummm.... yeah why?"

"There're a specific dress code. I'll send the information to your phone"

"Really? You can't tell me now?" She asked crossing her arms. I held on to her waist and pulled her in closer to me.

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