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Diana's  P.o.v

Have you ever been in a situation where you  just wish you could disappear from existence? Even if it's for a while? Right now I'm praying to disappear!

Last night was..... surprising! I can't take my mind off it. Jake kissed me. MY BOSS KISSED ME!!!! For a moment I found myself kissing him back, then I pulled away. I was so shocked! I didn't even get a chance to react. He hurriedly got into his car and sped off without saying anything to me.

As I made my way towards his office I felt my feet shaking. I felt as if I was about to give a speech in front of the entire class. I can't understand why he  kissed me... and honestly... I liked it. Upon reaching the office I took a seat around my desk. I couldn't bring myself to walk into his office. I was too scared. Not knowing what to expect. I got up and started pacing the floor. I built up all the courage I had in me and stepped inside.

Jake stood by his window gazing outside. His two hands in his pocket.
I immediately felt nervousness overcome me. I quickly turned in order to leave.

"Diana" I spun around quickly. He was still facing outside. Does he have super hearing or something? I slowly made my way towards him. My heart beating rapidly in my chest. He spun around and faced me.

"Ummm... Mr Gra... Jake"

"I need you to fax something for me" he walked towards his desk and picked up a folder and handed it to me." Taking it from his hand I walked off. He didn't even mention the kiss. I felt so disgusted. I stopped in my tracks and walked towards him. Dropping the files to the floor I started slapping him across his face. To my surprise he didn't react, so after five slaps I stopped.

"You are such a monster!" I screamed. "Why?! Is this how you go around kissing random girls?! I'm your assistant! You told me no relationship in the workplace! I am not Katrine! I won't let you play around with my head! That's all you men want! You just want to have women wrapped around your fingers like we are a to-"

"You don't understand! You are so different. With you... everything is different! I really like you Diana. I don't normally like people, but you... you're different. You always make me smile somehow... you're bold with me" he walked towards his window. "I didn't plan on liking you. It just happened and I can't control it." He turned and started walking towards me. My heart was now in my throat. My legs and arms were shaking. I was scared and excited at the same time. I could feel my temperature rising. He stopped in front of me and placed his hands on my waist. Shivers ran through my body. "Give me a chance to prove to you how much I care." He then leaned over and kissed me. This time I didn't kiss him back. I pulled away.

"You can't get me by planting a kiss on me! Are you dumb? You want me? You'll have to try way harder than that" I walked away quickly

Jake's P.o.v

You'll have to try harder than that her words rang through my ear. Whatever does she mean? I know nothing about these things. I really like her and I want to impress her. I sat in my chair gazing out of space. I  couldn't work. All I could think about is her. I've never felt this way about anyone before. I never thought I would fall for her. Especially how we started out. I hated her , but Once I got to know her things were amazing. I enjoy being around her. Apart from the fact that she's absolutely stunning on the outside I love her attitude. Her personality. Even though she annoys me and the way she keeps rolling her eyes I find it cute. I guess I'm weird for that. I've met a lot of beautiful women. Of course I would! I'm Jake Grant! I've never felt this way about any of them. Maybe I'm losing my mind. I never thought this could happen to me.  That I could feel this way. I think about her every night before I go to bed. It's like I can't get my mind off her. I can tell her anything. I trust her and that's weird because I only trust Lyle, Alexandria and Marion. I don't even trust my mother this much. I keep convincing myself I'm getting crazy. She's the only PA I have that stands up to me when I'm rude. She makes me laugh and I hate laughing. How can one woman have this much influence on me?

I looked up when I heard my door open. Lyle walked in. He gave me a suspicious look.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"It's weird to see you not working. What's going on?"

"I kissed her"

"You kissed a lot of women."

"I'm talking about Diana you dumbass!" I shouted. He took a seat and smiled.

"I remember telling a certain person couple days ago that they had feelings for someone named Diana, but they denied it."

"Yeah whatever"

"How did she react?"

"Well... she did kiss me back last night... but I got a slap across my face this morning and she told me if I want her a kiss won't cut it."

"Yesss... I like her" I shot him an angry look. "I don't mean I like, like her.  I'm not an ass. I see you are going to be the jealous type if you guys date I pray for her because she's in for trouble" I turned my back towards him. Jealous type so I guess he wants me to sit down and watch a guy talk to my girl? Even though she's not really my girl yet, but still... oh hell no!!!

There is no man that wants a guy being clingyto his girl. I know for a fact that Chris likes her. I guess she don't see it. He's the first one I'm going to beat. He better stays away from her!

Dedicated to Aaishah_Siddika

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Love you all so much 💕💕💕💕

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