Lol it's weird but sweet how people keep following me each day
Is it because of me commenting everywhere?
Or did they actually read my books if they did I would cry out of happuness-
But yeah. A few days ago I only had like 58 and now I have 64 leik woah
Oh and watch da video above it's rlly good
It's the song my school choir (I'm a part of it, an S2 pleb. It's the second highest voice) is gonna perform for the school Music Department Recital as an intermission number
Key words: Music Department recital
I'm playing Canon in D by Pachelbel with a fifth grade violinist (no names will be mentioned) who's on the same level as me even though I've only been playing for 5 months and she's been playing for more than a year like wtf-
*technical difficulties*
As I was saying, I'm playing Canon in D with a fifth grade violinist, and our accompanist is going to be an HS student (I'm in HS as well but this guy is probably older)
And uh,
I have the longest piece to memorize among the fifth grade violinist and I.
She has to memorize until the 15th system, 3rd bar (I think dats how u call it) while I have to memorize the whole piece.
(Pic of the piece down below)
God please save my soul-