I will never leave you alone, Hazel

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I am the angel that wear's black.
- Madelaine W. Blakeley aka me

I will never leave you alone, Hazel

Emarald's POV:-

After Brett left I went to do some homework as I had many assignments to complete. I was not really in the mood to even walk but I have to, this is the senior and last year of the hell hole we call high school. I just have to get good grades, then I guess I'll feel a little completion in my life that isn't bad.

Wasting my four hours of doing non - beneficial assignments that I could have used, to get my much awaited sleep, it was finally three p.m. so I decided to just eat Mac and cheese with watching 'friends' on Netflix. I started it and went on the road of Joey Tribbiani's gibberish jokes, which are by the way my favourite.

It's now five o'clock and I am trying on the outfit I chose for the party which I really didn't wanted to go because of my over the top first high school party but having the persistent friends I have, I gave in. So now I just decided to wear a white dress which is till my mid thighs have a designer net in the stomach area and a golden and white leaf head band and made a cute simple bun out of my natural frenzied hair with a pair of white lace up stilettos.

 So now I just decided to wear a white dress which is till my mid thighs have a designer net in the stomach area and a golden and white leaf head band and made a cute simple bun out of my natural frenzied hair with a pair of white lace up stilettos

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I did a little make up and there I was finally ready to go but that cannot happen just because, first I don't have my own car and second that I don't know where the party is so I waited for Anna, Jasper and Bianca.

It was thirty past six when a car finally pulled up in front of my house. It wasn't Jasper's car, I knew how it looked like, it was surprisingly Brett's black BMW.

I can't get over the fact that it's so beautiful but I have more important issues at hand like, why the hell is he here and not Jasper. He came out of the car in his all black glory, looking uhh, I can't even describe. It should be a penalty for looking this hot, like seriously, it is really necessary.

So, you agree, he's hot.

How many times do I have to tell you? Shut it.

Actually, I talk to my conscience like its someone else.

He came towards the house but just when he was about to ring the bell, I opened the door.

"Hey, Haze..." His words died down when he saw me. He was dumbstruck at first then moved his gaze up and down my body. He was in a trance, kind of and I also took him in. Again.

To say that he is sexy would be an understatement.

"That's like, I guess a guy's name." I said sarcastically.

"-l. You should listen properly from next time, Hazel." His eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree, while he leaned in a little to whisper this I'm my ear and I shivered when his lips touched my earlobe. He instantly realised the position and stepped back, looking at the bell concentration clear on his face.

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